Check if an pension scheme member is a resident in Scotland for tax purposes.
If you’re a pension scheme administrator, you need to know this to make the correct relief at source claims.
You’ll need the pension scheme member’s name, date of birth and National Insurance number.
Find out if a scheme member pays tax in Scotland or in the rest of the UK, to tell you the rate of tax to use for their relief at source contributions.
From 1 January to 5 April each year you will get currentYearResidencyStatus and nextYearForecastResidencyStatus within the response json.
From 6 April to 31 December each year you will only get currentYearResidencyStatus within the response json.
You can use the sandbox environment to test this API.
It does not currently support stateful behaviour, but you can use the payloads described in Resources to test specific scenarios.
You must set up a test user which is an organisation for this API using the Create Test User API.
All end points are User Restricted (see authorisation). Versioning, data formats etc follow the API Platform standards (see the reference guide).
The API makes use of HATEOAS/HAL resource links. Your application does not need to store a catalogue of all URLs.
You can dive deeper into the documentation in the API Developer Hub.
This version of the API is in development and is very likely to change.
This service is written in Scala and Play, so needs a JRE to run.
Method | URL | Description |
POST | /individuals/relief-at-source/residency-status | Find out if a scheme member pays tax in Scotland or in the rest of the UK, to tell you the rate of tax to use for their relief at source contributions. |
For more information, visit the API Developer Hub.
You can find test data here
Install Service Manager, then start dependencies:
sm2 --start RAS_ALL
Start the app:
sbt "run 9669"
Prior to raising a PR use the following script to run Unit and Integration tests with coverage and generate a report:
This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License