This bundle provides symfony console commands that allow you to backup your database and your files in your dropbox
Add the following code to your composer.json :
"require": {
"hmillet/backup-commands-bundle": "dev-master"
Run a Composer update
$ php composer.phar update
Register the bundle in the AppKernel.php
file :
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Hmillet\BackupCommandsBundle\HmilletBackupCommandsBundle(),
return $bundles;
Add parameters and configuration for the bundle, so it can read and write to your dropbox.
First of all, you have to get an access token. In order to get it, just run :
php app/console dropbox:setup
in app/config/parameters.yml-dist (otherwise, "composer.phar update" will remove your parameter from parameters.yml), add the line :
backup_dropbox_access_token: ~
in app/config/parameters.yml, add the line given by the above command :
backup_dropbox_access_token: your token
in app/config/config.yml, add the lines :
access_token: %backup_dropbox_access_token%
This bundle needs (in local and remote server)
- mysql (commandline)
- mysqldump (commandline)
- bunzip2 (commandline)
See the Getting Started page of the dropbox-sdk-php library.
Now from your console you can run
./app/console db:dump
and see that a new file has been saved in folder /app/tmp/dump with an hard link to the newest one.
You can run
./app/console db:restore
and choose which file you want to restore.