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TIPSem: TIPSem (full-featured) and TIPSemB (BASELINE based on Morphosyntax)



TIPSem and TIPSemB (also known as TIMEE) are only released for educational / research purposes (non-comercial). The use of this software also requires the acceptance of the licenses of the TreeTagger software. Furthermore, for Spanish, FreeLing software has to be downloaded and installed under its license. For any other use or any question contact Hector Llorens (, University of Alicante.

For citing TIPSem/TIPSemB you must include this reference:

@InProceedings{llorens-saquete-navarro:2010:SemEval, author = {Llorens, Hector and Saquete, Estela and Navarro, Borja}, title = {TIPSem (English and Spanish): Evaluating CRFs and Semantic Roles in TempEval-2}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation}, month = {July}, year = {2010}, address = {Uppsala, Sweden}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, pages = {284--291}, url = {} }


TIPSem is a temporal information extraction software written in Java. It automatically annotates from raw text TimeML ( temporal expressions, events, and temporal relations (tlink). TIPSem is a command line application.


  • For compiling CRF++ if 0.58 you can use g++ >=4.6 < 0.55, g++ compiler must be <= 4.5. (e.g., UBUNTU -- two versions of g++ can coexist: sudo apt-get install g++-4.4 --> ./configure CXX=g++-4.4 --prefix $HOME/local && make && make install)

Optional: Only if you are an expert on installing libraries -------------------

  • For compiling Yamcha downgrade compiler to 4.1 (./configure CXX=g++-4.1). You need to install g++-4.1. (e.g., UBUNTU LTS versions: sudo apt-get install g++-4.1)

IMPORTANT NOTE: - If you never installed a library in Linux you probably need to export the library path: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib - And if you do not want to do it every time you probably want to add it in the files: .bashrc .bash_profile


  1. Install the requirements (JRE7, Maven and CRF++). On windows you can just download zip, extract to C: and add to the PATH

  2. Extract TIPSem folder in any_location of your computer

  3. Run: "mvn clean package" to obtain the "target/" distribution, copy it in the desired location (e.g., path_to_TIPSem-x.x.x). If something goes wrong, sources and pre-compiled dependencies can be found here:

  1. Install TreeTagger as follows:
    • cd path_to_TIPSem-x.x.x/program-data/ (the compiled "target/" one)
    • If TreeTagger/tree-tagger-english bin/ cmd/ are not there -> wget or
    • tar xfzf TreeTagger.tar.gz
    • make sure that every file is executable in /bin and /cmd, make sure that "TreeTagger/tree-tagger-english" have execution permissions
    • chmod a+x program-data/TreeTagger/tree-tagger-english program-data/TreeTagger/bin/* program-data/TreeTagger/cmd/* NOTE: if you do not want to use that path intall TreeTagger in any path and tune program-data/ file By default renamed to Test it: echo "I went to cinema yesterday." | path-to-otip/program-data/TreeTagger/tree-tagger-english WINDOWS/CIGWIN: Download Windows version of TreeTagger perl cmd/utf8-tokenize.perl -e -a lib/english-abbreviations FILE-TO-ANNOTATE | ./bin/tree-tagger lib/english.par -token -lemma -sgml -no-unknown

Modification to make TreeTagger work alone in tree-tagger-english script (with relative paths):


# Hector Llorens hack for executing TreeTagger

scriptPath=$(cd $(dirname $0); pwd -P)

pushd . > /dev/null;

cd $scriptPath;


OPTIONS="-token -lemma -pt-with-lemma -no-unknown"


# remove empty lines
#grep -v '^$' |
# external lexicon lookup
#perl $CMD/lookup.perl $LEXFILE |
# tagging
#perl -pe 's/\tV[BDHV]/\tVB/;s/IN\/that/\tIN/;'

perl cmd/utf8-tokenize.perl -e -a lib/english-abbreviations $* | ./bin/tree-tagger lib/english.par -token -lemma -sgml -no-unknown
#perl ${CMD}/utf8-tokenize.perl -e -a $ABBR_LIST $* | ${BIN}/tree-tagger $ABBR_LIST -token -lemma -sgml -no-unknown | 
#perl -pe 's/\tV[BDHV]/\tVB/;s/IN\/that/\tIN/;'

CIGWIN issue: TIPSem might be trying bad paths i.e., non windows compatible or too compatible? Cannot run program "/bin/sh": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified. Tree Tagger works standalone with the script above but not when called from TIPSem in cygwin. 
SOLUTION: cygpath -w should be added in many places, currently the program is trying file:// which is not working on cygwin
  1. Obtain models:
  1. OPTIONAL (only needed for es-ES): See es.cfg file of Freeling

DictionaryFile=$FREELINGSHARE/es/maco.db # uncomment this line

DictionaryFile=$FREELINGSHARE/es/mydicc.db # comment this line

But mydicc.db does not exist.

Everything works fine after swapping the comment: DictionaryFile=$FREELINGSHARE/es/maco.db


permissions are important


IMPORTANT: Make sure you have models (installation step 5)

Run TIPSem help: java -jar "path_to_jar/tipsem-1.0.0.jar" -h

TIPSem input must be UTF8 (or ASCII). Run with -h to get the following help:

-a,--action Action/s (annotatecrf, annotate)

-ap,--action_parameters Actions can have comma separated params Valid parameters are: dct (default: today date) entities (default: timex, event, tlink) [separated by ; e.g., timex;event] inputf (default: plain) options: plain, te3input, tml, isotml

-d,--debug Debug mode: Output stack trace (default: off)

-h,--help Print this help

-l,--lang Language code (en,es) (default auto-detect)

-t,--text To use text instead of a file (for short texts)


Annotate text: java -jar "path_to_jar/tipsem-1.0.0.jar" -t "I saw you yesterday"

Annotate file: java -jar "path_to_jar/tipsem-1.0.0.jar" file.txt

Annotate folder: java -jar "path_to_jar/tipsem-1.0.0.jar" folder/*.txt

Change dct and annotate only events: java -jar "path_to_jar/tipsem-1.0.0.jar" -a annotatecrf -ap dct=1999-09-01,entities=event -t "I saw you yesterday"

Change annotate timex and events but not tlinks: java -jar "path_to_jar/tipsem-1.0.0.jar" -a annotatecrf -ap entities=timex;event -t "I saw you yesterday"

Force language English and use SVM (normal TIPSemB): java -jar "path_to_jar/tipsem-1.0.0.jar" -a annotate -t "I saw you yesterday" -l en For Spanish: -l es

  • for -t input the output is written in the standard output.

  • for file/s input the output is written is a file with the same name + ".tml"

Contact info:

Hector Llorens (

Known issues:

#2 There are no crf models for es-es tlink e-dct and e-t (tlink) Errors found (CRF++): java.lang.Exception: Template file (TIPSemB_categ_e-t_ES.CRFmodel) not found. java.lang.Exception: Template file (TIPSemB_categ_e-dct_ES.CRFmodel) not found. Solution use the SVM version in general for es-es with -a annotate. If you need to annotate timex and events with CRF and only links with SVM then make use of -ap entities=tlink -inputf tml using the timex and event annotated part which you can obtain before with -ap entities=timex;event -inputf plain.

Deprecated notes:

  • download "tagger package": wget
  • tar xvzf tree-tagger-linux-3.2.tar.gz
  • download "tagging scripts": wget
  • tar xvzf tagger-scripts.tar.gz
  • cd lib
  • download "English parameters": wget
  • gunzip english-par-linux-3.2.bin.gz
  • mv english-par-linux-3.2.bin english.par
  • make sure that every file is executable in /bin and /cmd, make sure that "TreeTagger/tree-tagger-english" have execution


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