Triq (pronounced "Trick Check") is a free alternative to QuviQ
eqc. Triq's API is modelled closely after
, so I recommend their tutorials and slides for an introduction
to QuickCheck. Notice that QuviQ eqc
has many features not found in
, but it is open source licensed under the Apache license. For
instance, eqc
has features for reporting, management, probably a
much better shrinking mechanism, cool C integration, and
professional support.
To use triq
, you download the latest version from
here, and untar it
into your erlang lib directory (typically
prompt$ cd /usr/local/lib/erlang/lib
propmt$ tar xvzf triq-0.1.0.tgz
And you're all set.
Or, checkout the triq source code and soft link / copy into your Erlang lib directory:
prompt$ git clone git://
prompt$ cd triq
prompt$ ln -s . /usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/triq-0.1.0
Next, to use triq
, include the header file:
And you're ready to write property tests. An example property could be:
prop_append() ->
lists:reverse(Ys) ++ lists:reverse(Xs)).
To test this property, run triq:check/1
, thus:
1> triq:check(prop_append()).
Ran 100 tests
If the test fails, it will try to shrink the result; here is an example:
prop_delete() ->
?IMPLIES(L /= [],
?WHENFAIL(io:format("L=~p, I=~p~n", [L,I]),
not lists:member(I,lists:delete(I,L)))))).
Which runs like this:
1> triq:check(triq_tests:prop_delete()).
L=[4,5,5], I=5
Failed after 5 tests with false
L = [0,0]
I = 0
You can get the values used for the failing test with counterexample
and reuse the same test values with check/2
3> A = triq:counterexample(triq_tests:xprop_delete()).
L=[3,2,1,1,1], I=1
Failed after 101 tests with false
L = [0,0]
I = 0
4> A.
5> triq:check(triq_tests:xprop_delete(), A).
L=[0,0], I=0
Failed after 1 tests with false
L = [0,0]
I = 0
Modules compiled with the triq.hrl
header, auto-export all functions named prop_*
and have a function added called check/0
which runs triq:check/1
on all the properties in the module.
1> mymodule:check().
A handy addition that I use is to also add an eunit
test, which tests it:
property_test() -> true == check().
Which can then automatically be run using your favourite eunit
Good luck!
This repository is copyright by Triq Contributors (as enumerated in AUTHORS). It is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
or in the file LICENSE
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
This repository also includes build scripts from Erlang Solutions, Ltd. made available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.