A semester project under Prof. Dr. Ralf Hiptmair whose aim is to analyze the spectral convergence of extrapolation methods.
The tex files for the report can be found under the report folder.
The results folder contains all the plots from the numerical experiments. The result folder is organized into subfolders, each containing the output from the corresponding numerical experiments. Under each subfolder there is a folder named "cache" which contains error values in raw format.
The code for the numerical experiments is under the code folder. To run the code, write "python3 runner.py" within in the code folder. If the cache folders are empty, then it may take several hours to run the code. Else it only takes a minute or so. The cache folders must be cleared manually in order to run the experiments from scratch.
The final version of the report is "report_final.pdf" which is stored under the report folder.