Visage Void is a non-profit project seeking to raise awareness about protecting the privacy of protesters, and making obscuring identifiable features easier. The police and vigilantes have been known to use photos taken during the protest against the protesters. Please be sure to cover any identifiable features of the protesters in your photos and scrub the meta-data before posting them online.
Check it out HERE.
Using face-api.js, the app detects faces in uploaded pictures and covers it up with an opaque mask as a way to obscure the individual's identity.
The uploaded picture is redrawn with p5.js, removing any original metadata associated with the image.
None of the uploaded files ever leave the client.
The detected masks can be manually resized, mobed, added, and removed. You are able to also replace them with emojis.
Clone the Repository
Install Node Modules
cd visage-void && yarn
Start Development Server
yarn start
CI Tests Checks For the Following
- ESLint linting and formatting.
- TypeScript type checking.
Please checkout the Issues Section!
Please do not hesitate to contact me on the contacts/social media links provided for any questions, feedback or concerns about the project.
Thank you!