- Provide Arduino controller from Erlang/OTP Application.
Fetch the latest version of arduino-erlang using git.
$ git clone https://github.com/hiroeorz/arduino-erlang.git
$ cd arduino-elrang
$ make
Or add "deps" line to your app's rebar.conf.
{arduino, ".*", {git, "https://github.com/hiroeorz/arduino-erlang.git",
{branch, "master"}}},
and get deps
$ ./rebar get-deps
You can read write Arduino I/O throuh the Firmata protocol. You need to send sketch 'Standard Firmata' to your Arduino or implementation Firmata Protocol your own, before start up the arduino-erlang.
In sample setting, gpio 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 is digital input mode, 8, 9 is digital output mode, 10,11 is pwm, 12,13 is servo.
$ erl -boot start_sasl -pa ebin deps/*/ebin
1> application:load(arduino).
2> arduino_sup:start_link().
When application started, receive analog values (pin 0 - 5) every 290msec, and When digital status changed, you receive digital change report like:
digital changed(port:0): [1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1]
arduino_sup:start_link/0 is start with sample setting, If you want to start supervisor with your setting, you can start supervisor with your own setting like:
Config = [{speed, 57600},
{device, "/dev/ttyACM0"},
{sampling_interval, 290},
{digital_port_reporting, [1, 0]},
{digital_port_offset, 1},
{analog_offset, 0},
{analog, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] },
{digital, [
{ 0, in, [{pull, up} ]},
{ 1, in, [{pull, up} ]},
{ 2, in, [{pull, up} ]},
{ 3, in, [{pull, up} ]},
{ 4, in, [{pull, up} ]},
{ 5, in, [{pull, up} ]},
{ 6, in, [{pull, up} ]},
{ 7, in, [{pull, up} ]},
{ 8, out},
{ 9, out},
{10, pwm},
{11, pwm},
{12, servo},
{13, servo}
EventHandlers = [ {your_handler, []} ],
arduino_sup:start_link(Config, EventHandlers).
1> arduino:all_digital()
1> arduino:all_analog().
[343, 211, 375, 111, 0, 343]
PortNO is unit number of every 8 bit digital status.
1> arduino:digital_write(0, [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]).
1> arduino_event:add_event_handler(sample_event_handler, []).
- First argument is module name.
- Second argument is arguments of sample_event_handler:init/1.
The sample_event_handler is event handler befavior of gen_event. sample_event_handler.erl