Monty is an interpreted lanaguage that only uses stacks. It is more linke brain fuck, but instead of arrays with stacks and ques.
- monty.h - This file is the main header file containing all the function prototypes and structs is defined
- monty.c - In this module, the main entery point of the program is defined
- lexer.c - In this module funtions and other identifiers related to the lexer are defiend
- loader.c - In this module, functions and other identifers related to opening and a file
- interpreter.c - In this module, functions and other identifers related to interpreting a linked list of tokens are defined
- interpreter_helper1.c - In this module, functions like
- push
- pall
- pint
- pop
- swap, which are helpers of the functions defined in the interpreter.c, are defiend.
- interpreter_helper2.c - In this module, functions like
- add
- nop
- sub
- div
- mult, which are helpers of the functions defined in the interpreter.c, are defiend.
- interpreter_helper3.c - In this module, functions like
- mod
- comment
- pchar
- pstr
- rotl, which are helpers of the functions defined in the interpreter.c, are defiend.
- interpreter_helper4.c - In this module, functions like
- rotr, which are helpers of the functions defined in the interpreter.c, are defiend.