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Start your journey with the public Hedera network by learning the basics — from understanding the network’s architecture to who’s building next-generation applications, you’ll have a proper foundation to start building.
Hedera Explained | Understand the basics of Hedera network node types, developer services & API, governance, $HBAR, and more by reading this introduction to Hedera. | | landing-hedera-explained-icon.png |
How It Works | Hedera is an open-source, public, proof-of-stake network. Hedera network services offer low & fixed fees,10k TPS, and instant transaction finality. | | why hedera.png |
Core Concepts | Dive into the technical core concepts of Hedera. Learn everything from how accounts are created to scheduling transactions and querying on-ledger data. | core-concepts | core concepts.png |
Hedera Ecosystem | From permissionless web3 startups and NFT projects to Fortune 500 companies, take a look into who’s choosing Hedera to build their next-generation application. | | case-studies-icon.png |
Follow the step-by-step guides in the Getting Started series to start developing on the Hedera network today. The series offers personalized developer learning paths to help you understand the essentials and start building web3 applications.
1. Create Testnet Account | Create and fund your Hedera Testnet account using the Hedera developer portal, faucet, or HashPack wallet. | | testnet access.png |
2. Set Up Environment | Set up your development environment after creating your testnet account to interact with the Hedera network. | | environment setup (1).png |
3. Choose Learning Path | Choose your developer learning path: Web2 Developers or EVM Developers, depending on your experience level. | | transfer hbar.png |
Learn to use Hedera network services and build your first dApp with step-by-step tutorials, or dive into the interactive Hedera Developer Playground for a hands-on coding experience.
Create & Deploy a Smart Contract | Create a Solidity Smart Contract that interacts with the Hedera Token Service, bringing full programmability into your token-based application. | | create & deploy a smart contract.png |
Create Fungible Tokens | Service to create fungible tokens that map to ERC-20 standards and scale to 10,000+ TPS. | | fungible-tokens-icon.png |
Create Non-Fungible Tokens | Use the Hedera Token Service to create non-fungible tokens that map to ERC-721 standards and scale to 10,000+ TPS. | | non-fungible-tokens-icon.png |
Write Verifiable Data to Hedera | Use the Hedera Consensus Service as a decentralized message bus to write immutable, verifiable, and consensus timestamped data at 10k+ TPS and $0.0001 per message. | | write verifiable data.png |
Hedera Developer Playground | Use the interactive Hedera Developer Playground to follow guided examples or experiment with Hedera SDKs in a hands-on coding environment. | | stablecoin-code-sandbox-icon.png |
Learn about the suite of network services offered on Hedera and how each can be used to build decentralized applications.
Smart Contracts | An EVM-based smart contract service. Build and deploy contracts using Solidity or port over an existing smart contract with ease. | smart-contracts | smart-contracts-icon.png |
Token Service | Configure, mint, and manage native fungible and non-fungible tokens or using ERC-20 & 721 standards on the Hedera network. | token-service | token-service-icon.png |
Consensus Service | Incorporate scalable, real-time, auditable logs of events with consensus timestamps into any web2 or permissionless web3 application. | consensus-service | consensus-service-icon.png |
File Service | Hedera File Service is a decentralized file storage platform that allows users to securely store and access files on a distributed network of computers using hash as a file identifier. | readme-1-1 | file-service-icon.png |
Continue utilizing familiar Ethereum development tools such as Web3.js, Truffle, Ethers, Hardhat, and Foundry to build on Hedera using the JSON-RPC Relay. As an Ethereum developer, your workflow does not have to change.
Create an ECDSA Account | Create an ECDSA account that works with JSON-RPC to use EVM-compatible tooling, libraries, and wallets. | | create ECDSA account.png |
Set Up Metamask | Add a Hedera network to Metamask using the Hashio implementation of the JSON-RPC Relay. Sign transactions and queries to test your Hedera-powered application. | | setup metamask.png |
Libraries & Tooling | Integrate Hedera into Ethers, web3.js, Truffle, or Hardhat for building, debugging, and deploying your smart contract applications on the Hedera network. | | libraries & tooling.png |
JSON-RPC Relay | JSON-RPC makes it easy for existing EVM-based libraries, dev tools, and wallets to work effortlessly on Hedera. | | JSON-RPC relay.png |
Explore various developer tools and resources on Hedera that help make building and maintaining your decentralized application even easier.
Network Explorers | Visualizations & APIs for historical network data, including account & token details, transactions, tokens, contracts, topics, and schedules. | | landing-icon-network-explorers.png |
Wallet Integrations | Onboard users into your application with ease. Wallets on Hedera offer transaction signing, management of HBAR, NFTs, and fungible tokens. | #ecosystem-wallet-support | wallet integrations.png |
Network Bridge | HashPort is a public utility that facilitates the bi-directional movement of digital assets between public networks in a quick, secure, and cost-effective way. | | network bridge (1).png |
Monitoring & Security | Use Open Zeppelin’s Defender Admin, Relay, and Sentinels for administrative, security, and monitoring functionality for Smart Contracts on Hedera. | | monitor & security.png |
Local Node | Learn how to set up your own Hedera local network, including consensus & mirror nodes, using Docker. | | local node (1).png |
Whether you’re fixing bugs, enhancing features, or improving documentation, your contributions are important — let’s build something great together!
Please read our contributing guide to see how you can get involved.
Hiero uses the Linux Foundation Decentralised Trust Code of Conduct.