This is a mock stock trading stimulation where users can signup, after email verification, login to browse live stocks pricing (live) as per National stock exchange - India, when ever a user completes his/her signup he is credited Rs 1lac (virtual currency) and the user can use this virtual curreny to buy stocks, whenever the user sells the stocks, the amount credited is as per the latest stock prices.
The user can also see, transaction history, stocks bought (in hand), carts section where can monitor interested stocks.
Ps: Their is also a profile page where user can edit profile, monitor login history and edit password.
Password: 1234
fork this repo
for getting started.
run the below command in gitbash / terminal / powershell
git clone `forked repo link`
cd TradingApp
code .
code . is used to open the project folder in the code editor.
download the zip file and then extract it
by clicking on the green code button.