A simple Python GUI application, which has 4 movable cylinders and motors.
You can control the cylinders and motors with a PLC program running on TwinCAT 3. The simulator and PLC program are communicating by using the Automation Device Specification (ADS) protocol.
The simulator uses pyads and PyQy5 packages. You can install them with the pip:
pip install pyads PyQt5
Input variables
iCyl1minus AT %IX0.0: BOOL;
iCyl1plus AT %IX0.1: BOOL;
iCyl2minus AT %IX0.3: BOOL;
iCyl2plus AT %IX0.4: BOOL;
iCyl3minus AT %IX1.0: BOOL;
iCyl3plus AT %IX1.1: BOOL;
iCyl4minus AT %IX1.3: BOOL;
iCyl4plus AT %IX1.4: BOOL;
iMot1running AT %IX0.2: BOOL;
iMot2running AT %IX0.5: BOOL;
iMot3running AT %IX1.2: BOOL;
iMot4running AT %IX1.5: BOOL;
Output variables
qCyl1toMinus AT %QX0.0: BOOL;
qCyl1toPlus AT %QX0.1: BOOL;
qCyl2toMinus AT %QX0.3: BOOL;
qCyl2toPlus AT %QX0.4: BOOL;
qCyl3toMinus AT %QX1.0: BOOL;
qCyl3toPlus AT %QX1.1: BOOL;
qCyl4toMinus AT %QX1.3: BOOL;
qCyl4toPlus AT %QX1.4: BOOL;
qMot1start AT %QX0.2: BOOL;
qMot2start AT %QX0.5: BOOL;
qMot3start AT %QX1.2: BOOL;
qMot4start AT %QX1.5: BOOL;
- Start the TwinCAT 3 project in Run Mode
- Start the simulator
python simulator.py
If the simulator fails to connect with the TwinCAT 3, copy the NetId address from TwinCAT 3 to the simulator.
- Double click the Routes on Solution Explorer window
- Open the NetId Management tab
- Copy the address on the Local NetId text box
- Open the Settings tab on the simulator and paste the address to the AMS Net Id text box
- Click Update values button
This application has been made as a part of the "Automation in Network" project.