This tool allows the evaluation of various text correction tasks, such as spelling correction, OCR post-correction or whitespace correction, with a standardized word-level F1 score as the metric.
git clone
cd gpt2-spell-checker
python3 -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
The evaluation requires three files: a file with the misspelled sequences, a file with the predicted sequences, and a file with the ground truth.
python3 --misspelled <FILE> --predicted <FILE> --correct <FILE> -mp
The argument -mp
turns on multiprocessing.
To be able to see the results in the web app, specify an output path as follows:
--out evaluation-webapp/results/<BENCHMARK>/<DEVELOPMENT/TEST>/<APPROACH_NAME>
cd evaluation-webapp
python3 -m http.server <PORT>
The webapp is then accessible in the browser at localhost:<PORT>/www
When you use the evaluation tool in your work, please consider citing our upcoming publication: Matthias Hertel and Hannah Bast: "GPT-2-spell-checker: a tool for language-model-based spelling correction and evaluation" (2022, under review)