Based on Kumail Hunaids »gridforms front-end library« this package brings his beautiful gridforms to your meteor application project in no time. Currently working with the following html input elements: text, email, number, date, checkbox, radio, submit and textarea.
Add to your project with: meteor add herrhelms:meteor-gridforms
In your templates build your gridforms like this:
{{#gridForm "custom-css-class"}}
{{#gridSet label="A form header"}}
{{#gridRow span="4"}} <!--'span' of rows+elements is for layout, -->
{{#gridElement span="3" type="text" label="A Text"}}Some additional help text.{{/gridElement}}
{{#gridElement span="1" type="date" label="A Date"}}Can also host a <a href="#">link</a>.{{/gridElement}}
{{#gridRow}} <!-- without 'span' it defaults to 'span="1"' -->
{{#gridElement type="submit" value="Submit this form"}}{{/gridElement}}
Any content inbetween {{#gridElement}}
and {{/gridElement}}
will serve as help text and is wrapped in a <span class"grid-form-help"></span>
. You can add any additional HTML anywhere, but keep in mind that this might mess up the plain and simple form layout.
To wrap your gridRows and gridElements in a {{#gridSet label="A form header"}}{{/gridSet}}
is optional. It will render as a fieldset element. Very useful if you like to layout your form into separated sections containing lots of form fields below. use the label=""
to add a heading to these sections. You might want to take a look at Kumails ›Bank Application Form‹ example for more details.
For any {{#gridElement}}{{/gridElement}}
text|number|date|email|submit|textarea - if none is given 'text' will be used.
uniqueIDs for field elements (you might want to access fields later w/ jQuery)
a label (shown above the element)
class names without separators (i.E. 'btn btn-lg btn-success')
placeholder text (shown inside the element)
prefill element with a certain value
For 'date' and 'number' types:
minimum value
maximum value
For 'date' only
the date output format (i.E. 'yyyy-mm-dd')
For 'submit' only
will be the text on the button. (defaults to 'Submit')
This package will auto-check any element based on it's type upon onBlur/onFocusOut event. Any error will be made visually by coloring the field with the missing or wrong input with a .grid-form-error
class. Any other validation is up to you in your;
function. Do not forget to use the id="YOURID"
at the specific {{#gridElement}}
you want to extend or validate. This is helpful if not mandatory once you like to add some date picker, auto-complete typeahead or any other fun jQuery addition. There are lots of packages already available for those things so save yourself some time and do a meteor search WHATEVERYOULIKE
This is my first public meteor package, so please feel free to contact me for comments, suggestions and critique, or contribute to the code and extend this package and don't forget to give kudos and/or a star to Kumail. Happy grid-forming...
Here's a better example with all functionality included. Validation errors of date, email number elements and are shown in console.log() for now. Yes, I know select, week, time, range and other elements are still missing. Maybe you wanna help with that?
{{#gridForm "any-css-class-you-want"}}
{{#gridSet label="Meteor Gridforms Example <span class='pull-right'><a href='//'>Even html works in gridSet labels</a></span>"}}
{{#gridRow span="6"}}
{{#gridElement type="text" placeholder="Start here" required="true" label="Text" id="adad" span="1"}}{{/gridElement}}
{{#gridElement type="number" placeholder="This field excepts only float or int values" label="Integer or Float" min="-3" max="3" span="3"}}{{/gridElement}}
{{#gridElement type="date" span="2" placeholder="Enter valid date" label="date (YYYY-MM-DD)" format="yyyy-mm-dd" }}{{/gridElement}}
{{#gridRow span="4"}}
{{#gridElement type="checkbox" span="1" label="checkbox" id="id_checkbox" value="Checkbox value" }}You can use checked="checked" with checkboxes{{/gridElement}}
{{#gridElement type="radio" span="1" label="radio" id="id_radio" value="Radio value" name="radio_1" }}Radio buttons use a 'name=""' reference{{/gridElement}}
{{#gridElement type="email" label="Email" placeholder="Enter valid Email" span="2" id="id_email" }}Some elements can be disabled (use disabled="disabled") They will be greyed out.{{/gridElement}}
{{#gridRow span="1"}}
{{#gridElement type="text" label="Disabled text field" placeholder="Placeholder for Textfield" value="This field has a value and is disabled" disabled="disabled" id="id_disabled_text"}}{{/gridElement}}
{{#gridElement label="Textarea" type="textarea" rows="5" placeholder="A lot of space for long texts. Little red stars next to the labels above show these fields are required." required="required" id="id_textarea"}}Here's an optional help text below the textarea element. Please remember, they are not neccessary at all.<br>Textareas often break layout so consider leaving them in one row for themselves.{{/gridElement}}
{{#gridElement type="submit" id="form_submit" value="Value sets the text on button" class="btn btn-md btn-success"}}Submitting here won't do anything, since this is just an example page. Classes for submit will attach to input directly instead of the parent wrapper element. {{/gridElement}}