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3.1 Entry for Timetable Simulation

herrcui edited this page Jul 17, 2020 · 2 revisions

Timetable entries enable users invoke timetable simulation from their customized Python script. An example of a timetable simulation in Jupyter Notebook can be seen here.

Definition of timetable entries

Timetable entries are defined in a java class TimetableSimulationEntry. From Python code, users can through a JavaGateway and call the method createTimetableSimulationEntry of the gateway object to create a TimetableSimulationEntry to communnicate with PULSim.

In PULSim, the "Py4J" communication should be activated.

Create a TimetableSimulationEntry from a JavaGateWay object

With the createTimetableSimulationEntry method, a TimetableSimulationEntry will be created and initialized with the given path of railsys data. The TimetableSimulationEntry can be used for setting, running and querying of timetable simulation.

 * @param infraPath: The path of infrastructure data.
 * @param rsPath: The path of rolling stocks data.
 * @param ttPath: The path of timetable data.
 * @return: A TimetableSimulationEntry.
public TimetableSimulationEntry createTimetableSimulationEntry(String infraPath, String rsPath, String ttPath)

Get all infrastructure elements from a TimetableSimulationEntry object

With getAllInfrastructureElements method, all infrastructure elements will be returned as a collection. An infrastructure element can be a track, a turnout, a crossing, a single slip, or a double slip.

* @return: The collection of infrastructure elements.
public Collection<InfrastructureElement> getAllInfrastructureElements()

Get all trains from a TimetableSimulationEntry object

With getAllTrains method, all trains running in PULSim will be returned as a collection.

* @return: The collection of trains running in PULSim.
public Collection<AbstractTrainSimulator> getAllTrains(SingleSimulationManager simulator)

Get occupancy for a train from a TimetableSimulationEntry object

With getOccupancyMap method, the occupancy situation of an infrastructure element will be returned.

* @param simulator: An initialized timetable simulator.
* @param element: The infrastructure element for querying occupancy situation.
* @return: A map of occupancy:
*          key: the reference of the distance on the track (in meter)
*          value: the duration of occupancy to the last entry of the map.
public TreeMap<Double, Duration> getOccupancyMap(SingleSimulationManager simulator, InfrastructureElement element)

Get arrive time and departure time from a TimetableSimulationEntry object

With getArriveDepatures method, the simulated departure time and arrive time of a given train will be returned.

* @param simulator: An initialized timetable simulator.
* @param index: The index of the train in the return collection called by getAllTrains().
* @return: A map of arrive and departure time:
*          key: the train number.
*          value: an array of strings with two elements. The first element is the arrive time, and the second element is the daparture time.
public TreeMap<String, String[]> getArriveDepatures(SingleSimulationManager simulator, int index)

Get running dynmics from a TimetableSimulationEntry object

With getCourse method, the running dynamic information of a train will be returned.

* @param simulator: An initialized timetable simulator.
* @param index: The index of the train in the return collection called by getAllTrains().
* @return: A list of array with running dynamic informations. Each array has three elements, which represents
*           - the distance [meter],
*           - the velocity [km/hour], 
*           - the time duration to the last dicrete point [second]
*          at each discrete point respectively.
public List<Double[]> getCourse(SingleSimulationManager simulator, int index)

Example of using timetable entries

In the following Python script, a timetable simulator will be initialized and simulated. The results of simulation will be output afterwards. The script can be downloaded here.

Initialize a timetable simulator

from py4j.java_gateway import JavaGateway
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
gateway = JavaGateway()
timetable_entry = gateway.createTimetableSimulationEntry(

simulator = timetable_entry.getSimulator()

Run the simulator

timetable_entry.setSimulationTime(simulator, 7, 8)
print("run simulation ...")

Output running dynamics

def output_occupancy():
print ("Occupancy time of tracks:")
elements = timetable_entry.getAllInfrastructureElements()
for element in elements:
    oMap = timetable_entry.getOccupancyMap(simulator, element)
    if oMap is not None:
        print ("Track Id: ", element, ":")
        lastKey = 0;
        for key in oMap:
            if key != 0:
                print ("    ", lastKey, "-", key, "m:", oMap[key])
            lastKey = key