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heroims edited this page Apr 28, 2022 · 32 revisions

You will find here some informations on how to get, build and use our project.

Getting the sources and building

We maintain several branches: the one named llvm-4.0 is the latest official (i.e., non-dev) version and is based on the latest version 4.0.1 released by the LLVM team. Older branches are also available: llvm-3.3, llvm-3.4, llvm-3.5, llvm-3.6.1

At the moment, all our obfuscation transforms have been ported in all branches.

To get the latest version of the LLVM branch, you can use the following commands:

$ git clone -b llvm-4.0
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ make -j7

llvm-10 and later

$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLVM_CREATE_XCODE_TOOLCHAIN=ON ../obfuscator/llvm

llvm-13 and later


Older branches can be accordingly be cloned.

When the build is finished, you should have all the binaries in build/bin. Note that this source tree contain LLVM and Clang.

How to use it

The simplest way to use Obfuscator-LLVM, is to pass a flag to the LLVM backend from Clang. The current available flags are :

llvm 13 and later if use legacy pass manager, add cflag -flegacy-pass-manager or cmake -DLLVM_ENABLE_NEW_PASS_MANAGER=OFF.

  1. -fla for the control flow flattening pass
  2. -sub for the instruction substitution pass
  3. -bcf for the bogus control flow pass

For annotations, see Functions annotations.

Imagine that you have a code file named test.c and that you want to use the substitution pass; just call clang like that :

$ path_to_the/build/bin/clang test.c -o test -mllvm -sub

Of course, you can call more than one pass at a time (e.g flattening and substitutions) :

$ path_to_the/build/bin/clang test.c -o test -mllvm -sub -mllvm -fla

If you have a project using the 'autotools' and you want to compile it with obfuscation, you can do that :

$ CC=path_to_the/build/bin/clang
$ CFLAGS+="-mllvm -fla" or CXXFLAGS+="-mllvm -fla" (or any other obfuscation-related flags)
$ ./configure
$ make

If you have questions, don't hesitate to [contact](How to Contribute) us.

Integration into Visual Studio

cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../obfuscator/

Please consult the official documentation

Integration into NDK

To install CMake and the default NDK in Android Studio, do the following:

  1. With a project open, click Tools > SDK Manager.
  2. Click the SDK Tools tab.
  3. Select the NDK (Side by side) and CMake checkboxes.


You have multiple versions of the NDK installed and you want to use a specific one. In this case, specify the version using the android.ndkVersion property in the module's build.gradle file, as shown in the following code sample.

android {
    ndkVersion "" // e.g.,  ndkVersion "21.3.6528147"

Use ndk-build

cp -r Android/sdk/ndk/xx.x.xxxxxx/toolchains/llvm Android/sdk/ndk/xx.x.xxxxxx/toolchains/ollvm

rm -rf Android/sdk/ndk/xx.x.xxxxxx/toolchains/ollvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin
rm -rf Android/sdk/ndk/xx.x.xxxxxx/toolchains/ollvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/lib64

mv build/bin/ Android/sdk/ndk/xx.x.xxxxxx/toolchains/ollvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/
mv build/lib/ Android/sdk/ndk/xx.x.xxxxxx/toolchains/ollvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/lib64/

cp -r Android/sdk/ndk/xx.x.xxxxxx/⁨build⁩/⁨core⁩/⁨toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-clang Android/sdk/ndk/xx.x.xxxxxx/build⁩/⁨core⁩/⁨toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-clang-ollvm

cp -r Android/sdk/ndk/xx.x.xxxxxx/⁨build⁩/⁨core⁩/⁨toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-clang⁩ Android/sdk/ndk/xx.x.xxxxxx/build⁩/⁨core⁩/⁨toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-clang-ollvm

cp -r Android/sdk/ndk/xx.x.xxxxxx/⁨build⁩/⁨core⁩/⁨toolchains/x86_64-clang Android/sdk/ndk/xx.x.xxxxxx/build⁩/⁨core⁩/⁨toolchains/x86_64-clang-ollvm

cp -r Android/sdk/ndk/xx.x.xxxxxx/⁨build⁩/⁨core⁩/⁨toolchains/x86-clang-clang⁩ Android/sdk/ndk/xx.x.xxxxxx/build⁩/⁨core⁩/⁨toolchains/x86-clang-ollvm

Change Android/sdk/ndk/xx.x.xxxxxx/⁨build⁩/⁨core⁩/xxxxxx-ollvm/

TOOLCHAIN_ROOT := $(call get-toolchain-root,$(TOOLCHAIN_NAME))


Change Android/sdk/ndk/xx.x.xxxxxx/⁨build⁩/⁨core⁩/

 		ifneq ($(words $(TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_LIST)),1)
        $(call __ndk_error,Expected two items in TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_LIST, \
            found "$(TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_LIST)")


 		ifneq ($(words $(TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_LIST)),2)
        $(call __ndk_error,Expected two items in TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_LIST, \
            found "$(TARGET_TOOLCHAIN_LIST)")

In Project

LOCAL_CFLAGS += -mllvm -sub -mllvm -bcf -mllvm -fla

APP_ABI := x86 armeabi-v7a x86_64 arm64-v8a mips armeabi mips64

Use CMake

Copy ndk's version folder ,replace bin and lib or lib64 folder.

Integration into Xcode

To use o-llvm within Xcode, you have to write a Xcode plugin.

This tutorial is based on this one. It was tested with Xcode 8.2. It‘s still available in Xcode9 but need to set Enable Index-While-Building to NO.

$ cd /Applications/
$ sudo cp -r Clang\ LLVM\ 1.0.xcplugin/ Obfuscator.xcplugin
$ cd Obfuscator.xcplugin/Contents/
$ sudo plutil -convert xml1 Info.plist
$ sudo vim Info.plist


<string></string> -> <string></string>
<string>Clang LLVM 1.0 Compiler Xcode Plug-in</string> -> <string>Obfuscator Xcode Plug-in</string>


$ sudo plutil -convert binary1 Info.plist
$ cd Resources/
$ sudo mv Clang\ LLVM\ 1.0.xcspec Obfuscator.xcspec
$ sudo vim Obfuscator.xcspec


<string>Apple LLVM 8.0 compiler</string> -> <string>Obfuscator 4.0 compiler</string>
<string>clang</string> -> <string>/path/to/obfuscator_bin/clang</string>
<string></string> -> <string></string>
<string>Apple LLVM 8.0</string> -> <string>Obfuscator 4.0</string>
<string>Apple</string> -> <string>HEIG-VD</string>
<string>7.0</string> -> <string>4.0</string>


$ cd English.lproj/
$ sudo mv Apple\ LLVM\ 5.1.strings "Obfuscator 3.4.strings"
$ sudo plutil -convert xml1 Obfuscator\ 3.4.strings
$ sudo vim Obfuscator\ 3.4.strings 


<string>Apple LLVM 8.0 compiler</string> -> <string>Obfuscator 4.0 compiler</string>
<string>Apple LLVM 8.0</string> -> <string>Obfuscator 4.0</string>
<string>Apple</string> -> <string>HEIG-VD</string>
<string>7.0</string> -> <string>4.0</string>


$ sudo plutil -convert binary1 Obfuscator\ 3.4.strings

Now, you can open Xcode and set the new compiler in your project settings:

Xcode build settings

And you can add your obfuscation flags to the CXXFLAGS or CFLAGS like that:

Xcode build settings

In Xcode 10 you must create Toolchains .

cd build
sudo make install-xcode-toolchain
mv /usr/local/Toolchains  /Library/Developer/

Xcode build settings Xcode build settings

In Xcode 12 and Later you must set C++ Language Dialect and C++ Standard Library.

cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLVM_CREATE_XCODE_TOOLCHAIN=ON -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;libcxx;libcxxabi" ../obfuscator/
make -j7
sudo make install-xcode-toolchain
mv /usr/local/Toolchains  /Library/Developer/

Xcode build settings