Este.js • TodoMVC
ES6 React Flux webpack gulp om-like isomorphic immutable k̶i̶t̶c̶h̶e̶n̶s̶i̶n̶k̶ t̶w̶e̶e̶t̶y̶b̶i̶r̶d̶s̶ edition.
The most cute web app boilerplate, with almost zero bus factor. Forget about over abstracted frameworks, use sheer libraries and leverage standards.
- Written in BabelScript. Are you kidding? No, the seems to be the best JavaScript transpiler. It handles future JavaScripts with React JSX syntax spiced by Flowtype type annotations already.
- React, Flux, react-router, immutable.js, and more awesomeness.
- Isomorphic architecture with state-less stores, server rendering, and routing inside expressjs.
- The state of art performance thanks to immutable.js and PureRenderMixin combo.
- Well tuned dev stack based on gulp.js and webpack configured both for dev and production.
- CSS livereload and webpack module hot reload, so you can tweak React in real time.
- Vanilla Flux, remember what I told you about frameworks?
- Isomorphic 404 and 500 pages.
git clone
cd este-todomvc
npm install
start developmentgulp -p
run app in production modegulp build -p
build in production mode for continuous integration (CI)
- Jest
- ESLint, almost ready.
- flowtype
- Localization with
- Sync app state into localStorate across browser tabs/windows.
- Global app errors handling with last several states and dispatched actions.
- Async actions and CSP channels, video.
- requestAnimationFrame
- React 0.13 plain JS class.
- An optional Closure Tools support.
Created by Daniel Steigerwald,