- Can be played using a desktop or laptop
- Use Chrome or Firefox and allow JavaScript
- Press space key to fire
- Move with your cursor
- This was part of my #100DaysOfCode challenge
- It was developed using only plain JavaScript and DOM manipulation
- The rendering is pretty simple, no fancy OpenGL for now, using only canvas and time frames
- Lots of logic, functional programming and function objects.
- Move with your mouse
- Shoot hitting space
- Infinite level, kill as many as you can as you only have 3 lives and 1 continue.
- 2 weapon upgrades available, just pick the PowerUps when you see them
- If you get hit or struck by an enemy, you will gain an immunity shield for 3 seconds.
Twice the range Triple the range
Please note that the assets used in this webapp were obtained at OpenGameArt.org and the credits should go to the artists who put a lot of effort in making this greate content for free to use.