Python project that uses the Python Locust library to create load tests for OpenStack services.
Python 3.6+.
Because Python 2.7 supports ended January 1, 2020, new projects should consider supporting Python 3 only, which is simpler than trying to support both. As a result, support for Python 2.7 in this example project has been dropped.
Dependencies are defined in:
First install the project with pip
- git clone
- cd openstack-loadtest
- virtualenv .venv (make sure you are using python3 binary for virtualenv)
- source .venv/bin/activate
- pip install .
Make sure you have a ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml configured to point to your openstack deployment.
Then set the OS_CLOUD env var to use an entry in your ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml
- export OS_CLOUD=devstack
Run the load test for fetching the cinder volumes detail test
- locust -f src/openstack_loadtest/ CinderUser --headless --tags volumes_info -u10 -t 30s