Esta é uma ferramenta de busca (estilo brute-force) baseada em uma lista de palavras.
A Ferramenta foi desenvolvida em Python, tem seu código fonte aberto e suporta multi-threading, ou seja, diversas conexões simultâneas, agilizando o processo de busca.
Você pode instalar (ou atualizar para) a última versão do TurboSearch diretamente do repositório do GitHub
pip3 install --upgrade turbosearch
O TurboSearch detém uma extensiva e atualizada documentação. Recomendamos a leitura para entendimento das opções e variedades de utilização do TurboSearch.
An python application to look for URL based on word list.
This application supports multi-threading requests.
You can install the latest version of TurboSearch by using the GitHub repository:
pip3 install git+
O TurboSearch has an extensive and up-to-date documentation. Users are recommended to refer to it as it may help them in their attempts to use TurboSearch. In particular, new users should navigate through it (see the FAQ for common installation problems).
./ -t -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/big.txt
./ -t -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/big.txt -x .html,.xml,.php,.txt
./ -t -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/big.txt -x .html,.xml,.php,.txt -o /path/to/output/file.txt
HHHHHH →→→→→→
→→-→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→ Turbo Search v0.1.25 by Helvio Junior
→→|→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→ automated url finder
HHHHHH →→→→→→
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
General Setting:
-t [target url] target url (ex:
-w [word list] word list to be tested
-T [tasks] number of connects in parallel (per host, default: 16)
-o [output file] save output to disk (default: none)
-x [extensions] Append each request with this extensions (comma-separated values)
Custom Settings:
-R, --restore restore a previous aborted/crashed session
-I, --ignore ignore an existing restore file (don't wait 10 seconds)
-D, --double-path multiply a payload set to search 2 path levels (ex: word1/word2)
--proxy [target proxy] target proxy URL (ex:
--report-to [target proxy] target proxy URL to report only successful requests (ex:
--deep Deep Search: Look for URLs inside of HTML results
-v, --verbose Shows more options (-h -v). Prints commands and outputs. (default: quiet)
--full-log Print full requested URLs (default: no)
--no-forward-location Disable forward to Location response address (default: no)
--ignore-result [filter] ignore resuts by result code or/and size (ex1: 302 or ex2: 302:172 or ex3: 405,302:172 )
--find [text to find] Text to find in content or header (comma-separated values)
--method [http method] Specify request method (default: GET). Available methods: GET, POST,
PUT, PATCH, HEAD, OPTIONS, all or comma-separated
--random-agent Use randomly selected HTTP User-Agent header value (default: no)
--header [headers] JSON-formatted header key/value (ex: '{"PHPSESSID":"gvksi1cmjl2kqgntqof19sh823"}')
--ci, --case-insensitive Case Insensitive search: put all wordlist in lower case
--stats-db Save reported URI at SQLite local database called stats.db (default: no)
--no-robots Not look for robots.txt (default: no)
Word List Options:
--md5-search Search for a MD5 Hash version of each word (default: no)
--sha1-search Search for a SHA1 Hash version of each word (default: no)
--sha256-search Search for a SHA256 Hash version of each word (default: no)
--hash-upper In case of Hash Search be enabled, also search by Uppercase of Hash Hex Text (default: no)
--no-dupcheck Do not check duplicate words in wordlist. Use in case of big wordlists (default: False)
O Luiz Carmo criou uma ferramenta (Web Hunter Screen) que realiza o acesso automatizado as URLs e cria um ScreenShoot de cada página. A ferramenta está preparada para ler o arquivo de dados gerado pelo TurboSearch
com a opção --stats-db e realizar os ScreenShoots de todas as URLs apontadas pelo TurboSearch.