A school project by: Jakob danielsen and Helene Amlo
Disaster bot is a fast, powerful, unopinionated, bot made with Javascipt using the official Discord.js package.
Our developers are a important part of making the bot, perhaps the most important part, therefore we think that they deserve praise. Therefore we give special thanks to:
🚀 Fun - Disaster bot can be used for all kinds of fun.
📜 Useful - Disaster bot can be used for getting teams messages, which is really useful if you forget an assignment
⚔️ Powerful - Disaster bot uses Microsoft teams powerful api making it useful for teams, big or small. This makes it an incredible powerful bot.
🏫 Community - We pride ourselves in our small but inclusive community and are willing to help whenever challenges arise; or if you just want to chat! We offer help on any questions. Be sure to visit us on our Discord server!