Check the CHANGELOG for new features
First build the container:
docker build -t grocy-to-bring .
Insert your Grocy URL, Grocy API Key and BRING Credentials to the .env file. Use the .env-example and copy it to .env
First you need to get your BRING List UUID. Insert your BRING Credentials in your .env file and start the container with the following command to get your lists:
docker run --env-file .env --rm -t --name run-grocy-to-bring grocy-to-bring php ./bring.php
You will see an output of your lists:
Below are your bring lists with their UUID:
1st List // UUID: 9z567898-mnbv-2d67-qwer-9876543123
2nd List // UUID: e4567222-mnbv-2530-qwer-1234567890
Note the UUID of the list you want to use and add it to the .env file.
Now simply run the container:
docker run --env-file .env --rm --name run-grocy-to-bring grocy-to-bring
You can add it to your crontab e.g. and have it run every morning at 8:10:
10 8 * * * sudo docker run --env-file /home/admin/GrocyToBring/.env --rm --name run-grocy-to-bring grocy-to-bring 2>&1 | /usr/bin/logger -t GrocyToBring
If you want to hide items fron the BRING list, simply add a boolean user field to the products like "Hide from Bring?" and set the field name in .env (HIDEFROMBRING)
Add a new text user field to the shopping locations like "Bring List UUID" and set the field name in .env (BRINGUUIDFIELD)
If you want to copy your shoppinglist to BRING instead of the products that are below minimum stock, set the "SOURCE" option in .env to "shoppinglist"
Currently no special chars like "%" work in BRING. Therefore I implemented a helper function to replace "%" with "Prozent". You can change this in .env (PERCENTREPLACE) for another language.
Thank you to helvete003 for reverse-engineering the Bring REST API:
And of course a massive shout out to Bernd Bestel the founder of