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Zotero Api

A php wrapper for zotero web api.

Table of contents


Install via composer

composer require hedii/zotero-api



ZoteroApi has to be instantiated with an api key. You can generate a zotero api key here if you have an account on

// require composer autoloader
require '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

// instantiate
$api = new Hedii\ZoteroApi\ZoteroApi('your_zotero_api_key_here');

User and group libraries

Every call to zotero web api has to be made on a user or a group library (except for key($apiKey) method).

This is reflected on this package by the fact that you always have to call the method user($userId) or the method group($groupId) at the beginning of each call.

    // continue chaining methods...

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Multiple items

To access all items in a library, call the items() method.

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Single item

To access a specific item in a library, call items($itemKey) method with the item key as a parameter.

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Top level items

To access only top level items in a library, call top() method just after the items() method.

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Items in the trash

To access items that have been put in the trash, call trash() method just after items() method.

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Child items

To access an item's child items, call children() method just after items($itemKey) method.

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Item tags

To access all tags associated with a specific item, call tags() method just after items($itemKey) method.

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Multiple collections

To access all collections in a library, call the collections() method.

    // continue chaining methods...

Single collection

To access a specific collection in a library, call collections($collectionKey) method with the collection key as a parameter.

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Items in a collection

To access all items in a collection, call items() method after calling a specific collection.

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Top level items in a collection

To access only top items in a collection, call top() method after calling items in a specific collection.

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Collection tags

To access all tags associated with a specific collection, call tags() method just after collections($collectionKey) method.

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Sub collections

To access sub collections within a specific collection, call subCollection() method just after collections($collectionKey) method.

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To get all resources (either collections or items) versions, call versions() method after items() or collections() method.

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All tags

To access all tags in a library, call tags() method.

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Matching tags

To access tags matching a specific name in a library, call tags($tagName) method with $tagName a string as a parameter.

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Multiple searches

To access all saved searches in a library, call searches() method.

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Single search

To access a specific saved search in a library, call searches($searchKey) method with the search key as a parameter.

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To access the privilege information of a given api key, call key($apiKey) method on the ZoteroApi instance.

$response = $api->key($apiKey)
$keyPrivileges = $response->getBody();


To access all groups the current API key has access to, call groups() method just after user($userId) method.

$response = $api->user($userId)
$groups = $response->getBody();

Sorting and pagination

Sorting and pagination methods can be called after calling a resource method.


The sortBy($value) method set by what type of value the response will by sorted.

The $value parameter has to be one of :

  • dateAdded
  • dateModified
  • title
  • creator
  • type
  • date
  • publisher
  • publicationTitle
  • journalAbbreviation
  • language
  • accessDate
  • libraryCatalog
  • callNumber
  • rights
  • addedBy
  • numItems
    // continue chaining methods...


The direction($value) method set the sorting direction of the field specified by the sortBy($value) method.

The $value parameter has to be one of :

  • asc
  • desc
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The limit($value) method set the maximum number of results to return with a single request.

The $value parameter has to be an integer between 1 and 100. The default number of result provided by zotero web api is 50.

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The start($value) method determines the index of the first result.

The $value parameter has to be an integer. The default starting index is 0.

Combine with the limit parameter to select a slice of the available results.

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Request timeout

Request timeout can be set using the setTimeout($timeout) method, with $timeout an integer in milliseconds as a parameter.

Default request timeout is 0.

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You can get the current request timeout value using the getTimeout() method.

$timeout = $api->getTimeout();

Connection timeout

Connection timeout can be set using the setConnectionTimeout($connectionTimeout) method, with $connectionTimeout an integer in milliseconds as a parameter.

Default connection timeout is 0.

    // continue chaining methods...

You can get the current connection timeout value using the getConnectionTimeout() method.

$connectionTimeout = $api->getConnectionTimeout();

Sending a request and getting a response

Sending the request

To send a request after chaining available methods, call the send() method.

$response = $api->user($userId)

Response body

To access the response body as an array, call the getBody() method on the response.

$response = $api->user($userId)
$body = $response->getBody(); // array

Response json

To access the response body as a json string, call the getJson() method on the response.

$response = $api->user($userId)
$json = $response->getJson(); // string

Response headers

To access the response headers as an array, call the getHeaders() method on the response.

$response = $api->user($userId)
$headers = $response->getHeaders(); // array

Response status code

To access the response status code, call the getStatusCode() method on the response.

$response = $api->user($userId)
$statusCode = $response->getStatusCode(); // int

Response reason phrase

To access the response reason phrase, call the getReasonPhrase() method on the response.

$response = $api->user($userId)
$reasonPhrase = $response->getReasonPhrase(); // string

Raw query

To build the request url yourself, call the raw($url) method, with $url a string as a parameter.

$response = $api->raw('')
$items = $response->getBody();



// require composer autoloader
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Hedii\ZoteroApi\ZoteroApi;

// instantiate zotero api
$api = new ZoteroApi('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx');

// get the item 'ABCDEF' in the user 12345 library
$response = $api->user(12345)
$item = $response->getBody();

// get 12 first top items in the group 12345 library and
// sort them by descendant modification date.
$response = $api->group(12345)

$items = $response->getBody();

// search for tags matching 'a name' in the user 12345 library
$response = $api->user(12345)
    ->tags('a name')
$tags = $response->getBody();
// get all user 12345 collections
$response = $api->user(12345)

$collections = $response->getBody();
// get top items within the collection 'ABCDEF' in the group 98765 library
$response = $api->group(98765)
$topItems = $response->getBody();

// get an array of all items keys with their versions
$response = $api->user(12345)
$itemKeysWithVersions = $response->getBody();


composer test


hedii/zotero-api is released under the MIT Licence. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.