Cat food is available to almost everyone, no matter where they live, and contains a high amount of protein which is what a hedgehog needs.
- Install Cookiecutter
pip install cookiecutter
- Open your bag with cookiecutter
├── .flake8 # configuration for flake8 - a Python formatter tool
├── .gitignore # ignore files that we don't want to commit to Git
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml # configurations for pre-commit
├── .pylintrc # configurations for pylint - a Python static code analyzer
├── LICENSE # license of your project
├── Makefile # store useful commands to set up the environment
├── # describe your project
├── pyproject.toml # dependencies for poetry
├── {{cookiecutter.__repository_name}}/
│ ├── # make {{cookiecutter.__repository_name}} a Python module
│ ├── src/ # store source code
│ │ └── # make src a Python module
│ └── tests/ # store tests
│ └── # make tests a Python module
└── notebooks/ # store ipynb files
└── playground.ipynb # pre-defined jupyter notebook playground
- Poetry: Dependency management
- pre-commit plugins: Automate code reviewing and formatting before create a commit
- pre-commit-hooks: Predefined hooks such as detect-private-key, trailing-whitespace, etc.
- isort: Imports sorter
- black: Powerful code formatter
- flake8, mypy, pylint: Static typing analyzer
- interrogate: Docstrings checker