The source-code is related to BostonDynamics Spot. Voice controls implemented for Spot with user authentication.
- Sougato Bagchi -
- Geethartho Chanda -
- I am using windows 11 (WSL - Ubuntu 18)
- For gpu setup please install, nvidia cuda toolkit on windows
- Your distro will be able to access the gpu drivers.
- You need to install USBIPD on windows
- Follow the steps from this website :
To install this project, follow these steps:
- Install Miniconda (
Create Conda env
conda create --name hri
conda activate hri
Install PyTorch GPU
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
Install record audio libraries
conda install -c anaconda pyaudio
Install Voice Authentication module
pip install
Install OpenAI for chatGPT integration
conda install -c conda-forge openai
Install Whisper voice trascription model
pip install -U openai-whisper
pip install git+
pip install --upgrade --no-deps --force-reinstall git+
sudo apt update && sudo apt install ffmpeg
Install BostonDynamics API
python3 -m pip install --upgrade bosdyn-client bosdyn-mission bosdyn-choreography-client
python3 -m pip install bosdyn-client==3.2.2.post1 bosdyn-mission==3.2.2.post1 bosdyn-choreography-client==3.2.2.post1
Verify your Spot packages installation
python3 -m pip list --format=columns | grep bosdyn
Your output for the prev command should be:
bosdyn-api 3.2.2.post1
bosdyn-choreography-client 3.2.2.post1
bosdyn-choreography-protos 3.2.2.post1
bosdyn-client 3.2.2.post1
bosdyn-core 3.2.2.post1
bosdyn-mission 3.2.2.post1
If you face any issues, please refer to:
This code needs API keys from pyannote)
- I have added these keys to the .bashrc file
- HuggingFace link -
- Also you have to agree to some T&C. Preferably run it 1st time on jupyter, you will get the link there itself.
export PYANNOTE_API_KEY="you-key-please"
In the terminal
- window 1
python ./spot_dev/spot-sdk/python/examples/estop/ ip_of_the_robot
- window 2
python ./spot_dev/speech_recog/ ip_of_the_robot
You may need to create an ssh setup for GitHub
- Follow the comands below, you may discard the prompts
- copy and paste the contents to
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
git config --global ""
git config --global "Jon Doe"