Middleware that takes:
- On middleware construction:
- A route sections object defining a route group affinity
descriptor body defining a bitmask bit permission affinity
- Runtime:
- An array of user bitmasks
And produces an array of permission in req.permissions
for requested route based on its predefined section
npm install git+ssh://git@code.42px.org:42px/express-bitmask-permissions.git --save
import PBM from 'express-bitmask-permissions';
import * as jwt from 'express-jwt';
const app = express();
const options = {
// (required) Route section affinity
sections: {
'/cats': 0,
'/dogs': 1
// (required) Bit permission affinity
// Starts with 1
descriptorBody: {
'feed': 1,
'pet': 2,
'play': 3
// (optional) JWT field with bitmasks array
// 'masks' by default
masksField: 'masks'
app.post('/cats/:name/pet', function(req, res, next) {
// req.permissions is now array of values
// from descriptor, or is empty
if (!req.permissions.includes('pet'))
return res
.send(`You're not allowed to pet ${req.params.name}`);
res.send(`Cat ${req.params.name} purrs`);
Middleware does following:
- Takes
definition from options to decide which particular bitmask to check against'cats': 0
will check any request starting with url element '/cats' againstreq.user.masks[0]
- Extracts bitmask array from
using defaultmasks
field or one provided inmasksField
option - Selects particular bitmask from array based on request url
base element match- e.g. '/cats' is a base element for a '/cats/43/kitties?fluffy=yes'
is used to extract human-readable permissions from the bitmask
'/cats': 0,
'/dogs': 1
'feed': 1,
'pet': 2,
'play': 3
Bitmask array:
[ 777, 0 ]
On init middleware with predefined section and descriptor defnition is produced
On request:
POST /cats/17/pet
- Express
provides an array of user bitmasks extracted by other middlewarereq.user.masks === [ 777, 0 ]
- Bitmask selected from an array with the help of a
definitionreq.user.masks[sections[req.baseUrl]] === 777
is used to extract an array of permissions from the bitmask777
to the arraydescription
req.permissions === [ 'feed', 'pet', 'play' ]
- Access control happens downstream