This is a website made to host JIGYASA annual event by UPES FIPI student chapter. It is hosted in heroku. This website contains user authentication system (login/logout) and paytm payments gateway.
Heroku link
This repo is a fully functional website suitable for an academic project, small business or similar.
- Python 3.6
- Django 2.1.7
- PostgreSQL (recommended), MySQL, Oracle Database and SQLite
Clone the repo
Open Project directory
Now install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set Environment variables
Make Migrations
python makemigrations
Migrate paytm app for transactions details
python migrate
Create Super user
python createsuperuser
Now in terminal run the server and go to http://localhost:8000/
python runserver
The front end is based on the HTML, Bootstrap.
The back end is based on django.