The user stories are as follows :
- As a user i want to access a spam free website.(honeypot)
- As a user i want to hashtag the keywords to form links.
- As a user i want to view the list of hashtags present in that question.
- As a user i want to click on that hashtag to redirect me to the questions page.
The developer stories are as follows:
- As a developer i want to create a honeypot class to generate honeypot fields.
- As a developer i want to add honeypot field and validate message to login and register form.
- As a developer i want to create blade custom directive for replacing hash tag with link.
- As a developer i want to replace the hashtag with link on the view questions page.
- As a developer i want to list the hashtags in a field.
Spam tracking the login and register page by adding honeypot fields to it and also adding hash tags to the questions body and adding links to them to redirect those links to the questions page and also listing the hastags in a separate field.