Hello World! 👋 I'm Harshil Andhariya
🏫 Sophomore at NIT Surat, Pursuing Engineering major in Artificial Intelligence.
💡 Passionate of making intutive and scalable solutions of real life problems.
🛠 Tech Stack C++ C Python HTML5 TypeScript React Next.js MySQL MongoDB Tailwind CSS Node JS
Next JS and diving deep into data structure and algorithms.
- Capify - GeeksforGeeks Avishkaar Hackathon Description: Capify is a fintech web application designed to address diverse financial needs for individuals, groups, and small vendors. Hackathon Outcome: Secured 3rd Runner-Up position out of 1000+ registered teams on Unstop. Features: Comprehensive financial management tools AI and NLP-powered features User-friendly solutions for budgeting, expense tracking, and group finance management Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Next.js, Flask, AI, and NLP Team: Collaborated with an amazing team to develop and pitch the project in a 48-hour challenge. live deployed link : capify.vercel.app