- gym-super-mario-Bros == 7.3.2
- gym == 0.21.0
- ipykernal
- Stable-Baselines3
- Pytorch 1.13
I would recoomend you to check official Pytorch website to install it
The Pytorch need the exact version of Cuda and CUDnn to work normally
Pytorch website: pytorch
setting up a virtual environment will really help in Creating a seperatiion wwithin your workspace and PC
Run following to create a virtual environment
- launch cmd
- move to your desired directory
- Run the following:
python -m venv mario
activate your virtual env using following:
to deactivte just type deactivate in cmd
After installing Ipykernal run the following:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=mario
Either clone my repo or download the zip or copy paste the code and run them
Github clone Link: https://github.com/harikris001/Super-Mario-Reinforcement_Learning.git
Run the cells and wait for it to complete.
I have attached the Pre trained models u can resume training using these model and save the result
The best model during my training was 4M model so i have attached that