this is a simple graph imp, which define a task depends, task run, and etc.
if cross build or host build changed, please add --remove_old_build to remove old build.
update submodule: git submodule update --init --recursive
- host build
release: python3 third_party/cmake_one/ --remove_old_build --repo_dir . --build_with_ninja_verbose host_build debug : python3 third_party/cmake_one/ --remove_old_build --build_type Debug --repo_dir . --build_with_ninja_verbose host_build
- cross build for android with aarch64
release: python3 third_party/cmake_one/ --remove_old_build --repo_dir . --build_with_ninja_verbose cross_build --cross_build_target_os ANDROID --cross_build_target_arch aarch64 debug : python3 third_party/cmake_one/ --remove_old_build --build_type Debug --repo_dir . --build_with_ninja_verbose cross_build --cross_build_target_os ANDROID --cross_build_target_arch aarch64
- cross build for OHOS with aarch64
release: python3 third_party/cmake_one/ --remove_old_build --repo_dir . --build_with_ninja_verbose cross_build --cross_build_target_os OHOS --cross_build_target_arch aarch64 debug : python3 third_party/cmake_one/ --remove_old_build --build_type Debug --repo_dir . --build_with_ninja_verbose cross_build --cross_build_target_os OHOS --cross_build_target_arch aarch64
run gtest with:
host build: ./build/test/mini_graph_test
cross build for android: adb push build/test/mini_graph_test /data/local/tmp/mini_graph_test && adb shell "cd /data/local/tmp/ && /data/local/tmp/mini_graph_test"
more use case, plsease refs to test/mini_graph.cpp
- define a task and add it`s depends
Graph g;
g.add_task("A", []() { std::cout << "Executing A" << std::endl; });
g.add_task("B", []() { std::cout << "Executing B" << std::endl; });
g.dependency("A", "B");
- use a subgraph
Graph g(4);
g.add_task("A", []() {
printf("A start\n");
printf("A end\n");
g.add_task("B", []() {
printf("B start\n");
printf("B end\n");
g.dependency("A", "B");
Graph sub_g(2);
sub_g.add_task("C", []() {
printf("C start\n");
printf("C end\n");
sub_g.add_task("D", []() {
printf("D start\n");
printf("D end\n");
sub_g.dependency("C", "D");
g.add_task("sub_g", [&sub_g]() { sub_g.execute(); });
g.dependency("B", "sub_g");
how to get grap png
Graph g ... ... g.dump_dot("") after run, run cmd to get png: dot -Tpng -o path_of_grap.png
- auto search for best performance by random add virtual_dependency for node
- power ABI interface from linux
for statistics of power consumption - auto search for power consumption base power ABI interface
- linux-base(Android/OHOS/Linux) deadline sched attr export