SCUT client written in C.
git clone
cd scutclient
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
To compile the latest stable version, you only need openwrt/Makefile in the source code. Buildroot will automatically download the source.
If you want to compile the latest git HEAD, you need to clone the entire repository and checkout to the branch/version you need.
Download and extract the SDK you need. For example(Snapshots on ar71xx):
tar -Jxvf openwrt-sdk-ar71xx-generic_gcc-5.5.0_musl.Linux-x86_64.tar.xz
cd openwrt-sdk-ar71xx-generic_gcc-5.5.0_musl.Linux-x86_64
Nothing to do here.
Create a directory called scutclient inside your package directory and copy openwrt/Makefile into it. (Of course this can be done using GUI file manager :D )
mkdir package/scutclient
cp {SCUTCLIENT_SRC_DIR}/openwrt/Makefile package/scutclient
Then you've created a package for the latest stable version.
If you want to compile other version you need to edit the openwrt/Makefile and change variable SRCDIR (at line 12) to your source code directory.
Execute the following command:
make defconfig
make package/scutclient/compile V=s
The compiled ipk will be placed under bin directory.
Select scutclient under Network tab and start building your firmware.
scutclient --username <username> --password <password> [options...]
-i, --iface <ifname> Interface to perform authentication.
-n, --dns <dns> DNS server address to be sent to UDP server.
-H, --hostname <hostname>
-s, --udp-server <server>
-c, --cli-version <client version>
-T, --net-time <time> The time you are allowed to access internet. e.g. 6:10
-h, --hash <hash> DrAuthSvr.dll hash value.
-E, --online-hook <command> Command to be execute after EAP authentication success.
-Q, --offline-hook <command> Command to be execute when you are forced offline at nignt.
-D, --debug
-o, --logoff
If any advice, open an issue or contact us at SCUT Router Group.
SCUT Router Group (Audit) on QQ : 262939451
SCUT Router Group on Sina Weibo
SCUT Router Podcast on Telegram
We believe that you know what you are doing. You should get this software for free.