Codes from a symbolic manipulator that verifies the formuale shown in the paper; Synthetic examples and data codes that conduct Helmholtz decomposition for Lagrangian data allowing for anisotropy.
Corresponding to paper titled "Anisotropic statistics of Lagrangian Structure Functions and Helmholtz Decomposition", submitted to JPO.
The Wolfram notebook verification.nb contains the Wolfram codes that verify the anisotropic Helmhotlz decomposition formulae. The screenshots of it is presented in the suuplemental material of the paper. To properly run it yourself, you need to open it from Wolfram Mathematica. The code is not too costly to be run on a contemporary laptop.
The folder titled "Synthetic" contains the codes corresponding to the synthetic examples given in section 5 in the paper. The folder titled "LASER" contains the codes corresponding to the LASER application presented in section 6 in paper.The folder "Synthetic" is formatted and captioned. The folder "LASER" contains all necessary codes, they are similar to the synthetic example codes, but are not captioned yet. You are welcome to contact me by if you are trying to use the data code and encounter difficulties.
Update: we are trying to convert the structure function computations from Matlab into python codes. Stay tuned!