Team AAA: Dagney Cooke, Diana Silva, Heain Yee
Project 1 (January 2020); UC Berkeley Data and Analytics Bootcamp
The source data file is not included in the github as it is a large file. It can be accessed directly from kaggle (see link below).
- Have car accidents increased over time?
- Where do the highest number of accidents occur, and where do the most severe accidents occur?
- When do the highest number of accidents occur?
- Under what weather conditions do accidents occur?
- Is there any correlation between different traffic infrastructure and frequency of accidents? Between street direction and accidents?
- You can find the executive summary of our findings on "AAA_ExecutiveSummary" file within this repository.
- The final presentation is available at this link.
- Please refer to "AAA_Data_Cleaning" notebook for details on how we prepared our dataset.
- Please refer to "AAA_Data_Analysis" notebook our analysis.
- Moosavi, Sobhan, Mohammad Hossein Samavatian, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, and Rajiv Ramnath. “A Countrywide Traffic Accident Dataset.”, 2019.
- Moosavi, Sobhan, Mohammad Hossein Samavatian, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Radu Teodorescu, and Rajiv Ramnath. "Accident Risk Prediction based on Heterogeneous Sparse Data: New Dataset and Insights." In proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, ACM, 2019.
- ACS: Population data by state, county, city
- Department of Transportation: "Highway Statistic 2017 - Licensed Drivers by State"
- National Center for Environmental Information: Climate Data Online for Denver, San Francisco and Rhode Island