An ansible role to automate the process of preparing a Linux VM guest for becoming a template in your favourite hypervisor.
This role is designed to be run AFTER you've made all your own customizations. Installing packages, running hardening baselines etc.
Steps taken:
- Set the timezone
- Install guest tools for the appropriate hypervisor
- Set a generic hostname
- Reboot the host to ensure no rogue processes/file locks exist for the user we're about to delete
- Delete the current user by allowing root ssh login temporarily
- Delete the home directory of the current user
- Set the root user password, generate a strong password if not defined
- Re-disable root ssh login
- Update all packages
- Delete SSH host keys (New ones are generated on first boot)
- Delete log files
- Delete root user .bash_history
- Clear /etc/machine-id and /usr/lib/dbus/machine-id
- Delete root user ssh keys
- Install cloud-init and ensure it starts on boot
- Shutdown the host when finished to not get dirty with log files again.
This role has been tested on the following platforms:
- Debian 11 Guest on Proxmox 7.3.4
- Debian 11 Guest on XCP-ng 8.2.1
NotImplementedException on line 1: ansible-galaxy install hampusstrom.vmtemplate
Current user only:
git clone ~/.ansible/roles/hampusstrom.vmtemplate
System wide:
git clone /etc/ansible/roles/hampusstrom.vmtemplate
A linux virtual machine guest running on either:
- XCP-ng
- XenServer
- Proxmox
Add ansible_user=username to your inventory
mycoolvm ansible_host= ansible_user=username
Or run the playbook with -u username
ansible-playbook -i 'inventory' -u username -K example-playbook.yml
Since we require root, use this role in a playbook that has become:yes
globally defined or call this role using the become: yes
- hosts: mytemplatevm
become: yes
- role: hampusstrom.vmtemplate
# OR
- hosts: mytemplatevm
- role: hampusstrom.vmtemplate
become: yes
Requires the XE guest tools ISO to be mounted as a cdrom device on the guest.
The role will automatically mount /dev/sr0 (can be changed using vmtemplate_cdrom_path
) and install the guest tools from there.
The path to the cdrom drive from which to mount the XCP-NG guest iso.
default: /dev/sr0
The path to mount the XCP-ng guest tools iso to.
default: /mnt
The timezone to configure the hosts clock for.
default: Europe/Stockholm
The password to set for the root user.
If not provided, a 32 character password will be generated for you.
This password will not be shown to you. Use sudo with your cloud-init created users.
default: randomly generated 32 character password.
Run using:
ansible-playbook -i "inventory" -u username -K example-playbook.yml
- hosts: mytemplatevm
gather_facts: true
become: true
- hampusstrom.vmtemplate