This repository serves as a dedicated space for my daily learning and practice of the Dart programming language.
Hello World Program: Created a classic "Hello World" program to kickstart the journey.
print("Hello World); //print(""); is used to display something on the console.
Output Methods: Explored various output methods using
, andstdout.writeln
.print("Hello World"); stdout.write("Hello World"); stdout.writeln("Hello World"); //All above used functions are used to dsiplay output but have their own uses.
Basic Math Operations: Mastered basic mathematical operations in Dart.
int firstNumber = 1; int secondNumber = 2; int sum = firstNumber + secondNumber; int Subtract = firstNumber - secondNumber; int Multiply = firstNumber * secondNumber; double Divide = firstNumber / secondNumber; //Above are the implementation of basic math operations.
String Interpolation: Utilized the
symbol for convenient string interpolation in output statements.var name = "Alice"; print("Hello, $name!"); // $ is used to call a function inside the print statements without having to write extra line of code.
Newline and Tab Characters: Employed
for adding newlines and tabs within output strings.print("Hello \t World, \n I'm Hammad Khurshid"); // \t is used to add space between output and \n is used to add a new line.
Getting User Input: Learned how to interact with users and retrieve input from them while implementing non-Null Insertion in Dart.
String name = stdin.readLineSync()!; // Get user's name as a string (use ! for non-null assertion) int age = int.parse(stdin.readLineSync()!); // Get user's age as an integer (use ! for non-null assertion) print("Your name is: $name and your age is: $age");
Data Types and Variables: Learned data types and variables used in dart language.
String name = "Hammad Khurshid"; //string is used to store string of characters, words and sentences. int age = 21; //int is used to store positive and negative numbers. var funFact = "I'm an ambievert"; // var is used to store both int, double, and string values determined at initialization. var mySkills = ['Dart', 'Flutter', 'WordPress', 'Shopify']; // this is a list of ordered values of string starting from index 0. var skillPercentage = {'Dart': '80', 'Flutter': '75', 'WordPress': '90', 'Shopify': '90'}; //This is a map which store values in key-pairs. print("This is a string value: $name, \n This is a numeric value: $age, \n This is a var value: $funFact, \n This is a list: $mySkills, \n This is a a map: $skillPercentage.");
**Assignment:**Use concepts learned in Day 1 and code a basic calculator. Summary:
This program demonstrates the following concepts learned in Day 1 of Dart:
- Input/Output: Uses
to display messages andstdin.readLineSync
to get user input. - Variables: Declares and uses variables of type
(whole numbers) to store user input and calculation results. - Data Types: Uses the built-in
data type for whole numbers and implicitly converts user input (strings) to integers usingint.parse
. - Basic Math Operations: Performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division using arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /).
- Comments: Includes comments to explain the code's functionality and improve readability.
This code provides a basic example of user interaction, data manipulation, and calculations in Dart.
- Input/Output: Uses
- Operators: In Dart, operators are special symbols that perform operations on operands. Operands are the values or variables that the operators act upon. Operators manipulate these operands to produce a result.
//Arthematic operators. print("These are arthematic operators: +, -, *, /"); //Arithmetic operators are used to perfom mathithmetical operations. //Comparison operators. print("These are comparison operatos: ==, >, <, >=, <=, !="); //comparison operators are used to compare values and return true or false. //Logical operators. print("These are logical operators: &&, ||, ! "); //Logical operators are used to combinely compare values and return true or false.
- Conditional Statements Conditional statements in Dart allow you to control the flow of your program's execution based on certain conditions. They let you make decisions within your code by checking if a condition is true or false. This program demonstrates the following concepts in Dart programming:
Conditional Statements:
: Executes a code block if a condition is true, otherwise executes an alternative block (if provided) when the condition is false.- Nested
: Allows for more complex logic by checking multiple conditions within a single statement.dart if(condition1 > condition2) { print("Condition 1 is true"); } else { print("Condition 2 is true"); }
User Input:
: Reads a line of text entered by the user from standard input (keyboard).int.parse()
: Converts a string representation of an integer to an actual integer value.
Switch Statement:
- Evaluates an expression and executes a block of code corresponding to the matching case value.
- A
case can handle values that dont match any specific case.
int age = 20; switch age { case 18: print("You are allowed to vote."); break; case 17: print("You are not allowed to vote."); break: default: print("Enter a valid age"); }
This program provides examples of these concepts through scenarios like checking eligibility for voting or scholarships based on age and CGPA.
Exception Handling: It is the Mechanism for managing unexpected errors during program execution.
- Uses try-catch block to handle potential exceptions. - 'try' block contains code that might throw exceptions. - 'catch' block(s) specify what actions to take when exceptions occur. - There are several types of exception handling available in Dart langugae for specific needs. - Some types are: FormatException, IntegerDivisionByZeroException, SocketExceptio, and FileSystemException. //Syntax try { print("Try to execute this block of code."); } catch (e) { print("If an error occurs, execute this block of code"); }
Loops: Loops in Dart are programming constructs that allow you to execute a block of code repeatedly until a certain condition is met. They are essential tools for automating repetitive tasks and iterating through collections of data. Types of Loops:
For Loop
: Used when you know beforehand how many times you want to execute the code block.For-in Loop
: Used toiterate
through the elements of a collection (likelists
).While Loop
: Used when the number ofiterations
is not known beforehand, and a condition determines when to stop.Do-While Loop
: Similar towhile
loop, but the code block is guaranteed to execute at least once, even if the condition is initially false.
- For Loop : for (initialization; condition; increment/decrement) { // Code to be executed repeatedly } - For In Loop: for (element in collection) { // Code to be executed for each element } - While Loop: while (condition) { // Code to be executed repeatedly } - Do While Loop: do { // Code to be executed repeatedly } while (condition);
Unary Operators: Unary operators are used to modify the value of a variable by 1. They can be used in two ways: prefix and postfix.
:- Arithmetic Unary Operators.
- Bitwise Unary Operator.
- Logical NOT Operator.
- Prefix (++operand or --operand): The operator is applied before the operand. The value is incremented/decremented first, and then the new value is used.
- Postfix (operand++ or operand--): The operator is applied after the operand. The current value of the operand is used first, and then it's incremented/decremented.
// syntax
// ** Prefix Increment ** print("\n** Prefix Increment Examples: **"); print("num1 (before prefix increment): $num1"); // Show the value of num1 before increment int incrementedNum1 = ++num1; // Increment num1 by 1 first, then assign the new value to incrementedNum1 print("num1 (after prefix increment): $num1"); // Show the value of num1 after increment print("incrementedNum1 (using prefix increment): $incrementedNum1"); // Show the incremented value // ** Postfix Increment ** print("\n** Postfix Increment Examples: **"); print("num2 (before postfix increment): $num2"); // Show the value of num2 before increment int incrementedNum2 = num2++; // Use the current value of num2 first, then increment num2 by 1 print("num2 (after postfix increment): $num2"); // Show the value of num2 after increment print("incrementedNum2 (using postfix increment): $incrementedNum2"); // Show the original value of num2 (used before increment)
Assignment Day 2: Write a program in dart to check for strength of a password entered by the user.
Concepts to be used in Password Checker Program in Dart
1. Comments: - Used to explain the purpose of the program and code sections. 2. Input/Output: - `import 'dart:io';` - Imports the 'dart:io' library for console input/output. - `print`: Displays messages to the console. - `stdin.readLineSync()!`: Reads user input as a string from the console. 3. Variables: - `String password`: Stores the users entered password. - `int strength`: Stores the calculated password strength score. 4. Conditional Statements: - `if`, `else if`, `else`: Control the program flow based on password strength. 5. Functions: - `checkPasswordStrength(String password)`: Evaluates the password strength and returns an integer score. 6. Regular Expressions (RegExp): - Used within `password.contains(RegExp(...))` to check for specific character patterns in the password. 7. String Methods: - `password.length`: Returns the length of the password string.
Functions: In Dart, functions are reusable blocks of code that perform specific tasks.
Advandatges of functions:
- Code Reusability: You can define a function once and call it from different parts of your program, avoiding code duplication.
- Modularity: Functions break down complex programs into smaller, manageable units, improving code organization and readability.
- Encapsulation: Functions can encapsulate logic and data, promoting better code maintainability.
Types of functions:
Functions with No Arguments and No Return Type
: These functions are the simplest type. They perform some action but don't return any value explicitly. Thereturn type
is implicitlyvoid
.Functions with Arguments and No Return Type
: These functions take one or more arguments (parameters
) but don'treturn
. They often use thearguments
to perform calculations or manipulations.Functions with No Arguments and Return Type
: Thesefunctions
don't take anyarguments
a value of a specific type.Functions with Arguments and Return Type
: These are the most versatile type, combiningarguments
and areturn value
. They take arguments, perform operations using them, and return a calculated or manipulated value.Arrow Functions (Syntactic Sugar)
: These are a concise way to write short functions, especially for single-expression functions.Anonymous Functions
: These are functions without aname
, often used asarguments
to other functions (higher-order functions).Recursive Functions
: These functions call themselves within theirdefinition
, leading to repeated execution until a base case is reached.
// Function with no arguments and no return type (void) void printMessage() { // Function body } // Function with arguments and no return type (void) void calculateDistance(int x1, int x2) { // Function body } // Function with no arguments and return type (String) String getGreeting() { return "Hello!"; // Example return value } // Function with arguments and return type (int) int addNumbers(int num1, int num2) { int sum = num1 + num2; return sum; } // Arrow function (syntactic sugar) int square(int x) => x * x; // Anonymous function (example usage in filtering) List<int> evenNumbers = numbers.where((num) => num % 2 == 0).toList(); // Recursive function (example: factorial) int factorial(int n) { // Base case and recursive call }
Object Oriented Programming: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Dart is a programming paradigm that revolves around creating objects to model real-world entities and their interactions. Here's a breakdown of its core concepts:
Classes and Objects
: A blueprint or template that defines theproperties
(attributes) and functionalities (methods) that objects of that class will share. Think of it as a recipe for creating objects.Object
: Aninstance
of a class. It represents a specific entity with its own set ofproperties
, like a particular cake baked from the recipe (class).Properties
used to store data unique to eachobject
, defining its state or characteristics.Methods
defined within aclass
that operate on the object's data, representing its behavior or actions it can perform.
Dart fully supports OOP concepts. You can define classes using the class keyword, create objects using the new keyword (optional in newer Dart versions), and access/modify object properties and call methods using dot notation.
class Person {
//Properties (Attributes):** Variables representing characteristics of a person.
String name = "";
int age = 0;
// Method: A function defined within the class to perform a specific action.
void greet()
print("Hello, my name is $name and I am $age years old.");
// Create objects (instances) of the Person class
Person person1 = Person(); = "Alice";
person1.age = 30;
person1.greet(); // Call the greet method on the object
This example program demonstrates a simple Person class with properties (name and age) and a greet method. You create objects (person1) and use them to represent specific people.
- Null Safety in Dart: Null safety is a feature in Dart that helps prevent crashes caused by using variables without a value.
Imagine a variable like a box. In null-safe code, the box must always have something inside (a value).
Key Features
:Non-nullable variables
: We use an exclamation mark (!) after the type to declare a variable that cannot be null. For example:String name! = 'Alice';
// This name variable must have a value and cannot be null.Null checks
: We use the null-conditional operator (?
.) to safely access properties or call methods on variables that might be null. For example:String? maybeName = null;
// This maybeName variable can be null.
Example Program
void main() {
// 1. Non-nullable variable with assertion
print("Enter your name: ");
String name = stdin.readLineSync()!; // Ensures non-null using assertion
// 2. Null check with null-conditional operator (?.)
String? greeting; // Can be null
if (name.isNotEmpty) {
greeting = "Hello, $name!"; // Safe access using null check
} else {
greeting = "Please enter a name.";
Null check is a precautionary measure in programming to ensure that a variable is not null (meaning it has a value) before attempting to use it. It's crucial to prevent runtime errors or crashes caused by attempting operations on null values.
Assignment Day 3: Advanced Calculator Program.
- This program implements an advanced calculator with features like basic
arithmetic operations
(+, -, *, /), - Advanced mathematical functions (
sin, cos, tan, log, ln, sqrt
), and user-friendly interaction. - It utilizes functions for modularity and error handling to ensure robustness.
- The program prompts users for input, performs calculations based on their choices, and displays the results.
- This program implements an advanced calculator with features like basic