Sinch Verification for react native. is not working now , so i write the new one.
npm install react-native-sinch
react-native link react-native-sinch
add following to the ios/Podfile :
pod 'SinchVerification'
pod install
cp node_modules/react-native-sinch/android/libs/sinch-android-verification-1.4.1.aar android/app/libs/
- edit android/app/build.gradle
repositories { mavenCentral() flatDir { dirs 'libs' } } - require the permissions as specified here
var RNSinch = require('react-native-sinch'); var custom = "A custom string to be sent to your server backend, through Sinch's callback URL";// init with app key RNSinch.init('your-app-key');
// sms verification RNSinch.sms('your-phone-number-without-country-code', custom, (err, res) => { if (!err) { // for android, verification is done, because the sms has been read automatically // for ios, this means the sms has been sent out, you need to call verify with the received code } });
// verify the received code (not needed on android) RNSinch.verify('the-received-code', (err, res) => { if (!err) { // done! } });
// flash call verification (android only) RNSinch.flashCall('your-phone-number-without-country-code', custom, (err, res) => { if (!err) { // done! } });