The HaikuPorter tool is provided to ease the fetching, patching and building of source code. It can be compared to a slim version of Gentoo Portage. Each port contains the Haiku specific patches to the original source code. It fetches the original source code, applies the Haiku-specific patches, builds the software, and packages it.
Detailed information available on the wiki.
A single machine installation is for building individual packages.
HaikuPorts installation can be done via the following command sequence:
$ git clone
$ git clone --depth=10
$ cd haikuporter
$ cp haikuports-sample.conf /boot/home/config/settings/haikuports.conf # Copy the config file
$ lpe ~/config/settings/haikuports.conf # and edit it
./haikuporter mesa -j4
./haikuporter mesa --all-dependencies -j4
A multi-node cluster is for mass building large numbers of packages.
docker pull
mkdir ~/buildmaster.x86
docker run -v ~/buildmaster.x86:/data -it -e ARCH=x86
- Provision builders
createbuilder -n test01 -H
- copy generated public key to builder
builderctl health
- (builders can also use a jumphost by adding jumpHost, jumpUser, jumpPort, jumpPrivateKeyFile to the builder config)
- exit
- Copy the packages from a nightly to ports/packages on the buildmaster
docker run -v ~/buildmaster.x86:/data -it -e ARCH=x86
- buildmaster everything
buildmaster.x86 will persist between build runs. Feel free to exit, update, or erase the container without losing your work.
- Install requirements
pip install paramiko
ordnf install python-paramiko
- buildtools dependencies: autoconf, flex, bison, texinfo, zlib-devel
- Haiku host tools dependencies: libstdc++-static, libcurl-devel
- Bootstrap the buildmaster instance
git clone
./haikuporter/buildmaster/bin/ ...
- Configure your builders within instance ports tree with createbuilder
cd buildmaster_<arch>/haikuports
- example:
../haikuporter/buildmaster/bin/createbuilder -n mybuilder01 -H
- Validate and provision your builders
../haikuporter/buildmaster/bin/builderctl health
../haikuporter/buildmaster/bin/builderctl provision
../haikuporter/buildmaster/bin/buildmaster everything
- Checkout Haikuporter and Haikuports, matching the paths specified in createbuilder on buildmaster side
- Add the public key from the buildmaster to authorized_keys
- useradd sshd ; ssh-keygen -A
- Enable PermitRootLogin in /system/settings/ssh/sshd_config and make sure the path to the sftp server is correct
- install xz_utils_x86, lzip_x86 (required for extracting packages), patch, dos2unix (required for PATCH() function in some packages)
- Be sure , pyproject.toml is set to the next version of haikuporter and changes are pushed
- Draft a new release version matching what's in, pyproject.toml
- Once a new release is made in github, bump the versions in , pyproject.toml to the NEXT version
- The buildmaster containers are generally updated out-of-band as they receive updates less often
- Version numbers in buildmaster/*/Makefile should follow the same process as above ideally
- Ideally, we would rebuild the buildmaster containers every release, but not a requirement