Releases: hacf-fr/renault-api
Releases · hacf-fr/renault-api
🐛 Fixes
- Update default Kamereon API key (#848) @mathieucarbou
👷 Continuous Integration
📦 Dependencies
- Bump gitpython from 3.1.30 to 3.1.31 (#804) @dependabot
- Bump mypy from 1.0.0 to 1.2.0 (#838) @dependabot
- Bump coverage from 7.1.0 to 7.2.3 (#837) @dependabot
- Bump setuptools from 67.2.0 to 67.6.1 (#832) @dependabot
- Bump pytest from 7.2.1 to 7.3.1 (#846) @dependabot
- Bump pygments from 2.14.0 to 2.15.0 (#840) @dependabot
- Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.20.3 to 0.21.0 (#828) @dependabot
- Bump urllib3 from 1.26.14 to 1.26.15 (#823) @dependabot
- Bump pip from 23.0 to 23.1 in /.github/workflows (#845) @dependabot
- Bump poetry from 1.3.2 to 1.4.2 in /.github/workflows (#833) @dependabot
- Bump dateparser from 1.1.1 to 1.1.8 (#831) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-rtd-theme from 1.0.0 to 1.2.0 (#796) @dependabot
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2 (#842) @dependabot
- Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.6.4 to 1.8.5 (#835) @dependabot
- Bump dateparser from 1.1.7 to 1.1.8 in /docs (#830) @dependabot
- Bump marshmallow-dataclass from 8.5.11 to 8.5.12 (#825) @dependabot
- Bump virtualenv from 20.19.0 to 20.21.0 in /.github/workflows (#821) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.22.0 to 5.23.0 (#808) @dependabot
- Bump aiohttp from 3.8.3 to 3.8.4 (#797) @dependabot
- Bump tabulate from 0.8.10 to 0.9.0 (#795) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-click from 4.3.0 to 4.4.0 (#794) @dependabot
🚀 Features
🐛 Fixes
📚 Documentation
👷 Continuous Integration
👋 Fixtures
📦 Dependencies
- Bump setuptools from 65.7.0 to 67.2.0 (#792) @dependabot
- Bump virtualenv from 20.17.1 to 20.19.0 in /.github/workflows (#788) @dependabot
- Bump pip from 22.3.1 to 23.0 in /.github/workflows (#783) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-rtd-theme from 1.1.1 to 1.2.0 in /docs (#787) @dependabot
- Bump xdoctest from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 (#782) @dependabot
- Bump mypy from 0.991 to 1.0.0 (#786) @dependabot
- Bump dateparser from 1.1.6 to 1.1.7 in /docs (#784) @dependabot
- Bump flake8-docstrings from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0 (#781) @dependabot
- Bump coverage from 7.0.5 to 7.1.0 (#780) @dependabot
- Bump setuptools to 65.5.1 (#790) @epenet
- Bump pytest from 7.2.0 to 7.2.1 (#774) @dependabot
- Bump urllib3 from 1.26.13 to 1.26.14 (#773) @dependabot
- Bump coverage from 6.5.0 to 7.0.5 (#771) @dependabot
- Bump marshmallow-dataclass from 8.5.10 to 8.5.11 (#768) @dependabot
- Bump pygments from 2.13.0 to 2.14.0 (#759) @dependabot
- Bump pre-commit from 2.20.0 to 2.21.0 (#755) @dependabot
- Bump aioresponses from 0.7.3 to 0.7.4 (#753) @dependabot
- Bump black from 22.10.0 to 22.12.0 (#752) @dependabot
- Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.20.2 to 0.20.3 (#749) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.21.1 to 5.22.0 (#760) @dependabot
- Bump poetry from 1.2.2 to 1.3.2 in /.github/workflows (#770) @dependabot
- Bump dateparser from 1.1.4 to 1.1.6 in /docs (#772) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 5.3.0 to 6.1.3 in /docs (#769) @dependabot
- Bump safety from 2.3.4 to 2.3.5 (#750) @dependabot
- Bump gitpython to 3.1.30 and certifi to 2022.12.07 (#776) @epenet
- Bump safety from 2.3.1 to 2.3.4 (#748) @dependabot
- Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.5.1 to 1.6.4 (#745) @dependabot
- Bump salsify/action-detect-and-tag-new-version from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 (#742) @dependabot
- Bump flake8-bugbear from 22.10.27 to 22.12.6 (#747) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-click from 4.3.0 to 4.4.0 in /docs (#746) @dependabot
- Bump urllib3 from 1.26.12 to 1.26.13 (#738) @dependabot
- Bump pre-commit-hooks from 4.3.0 to 4.4.0 (#737) @dependabot
- Bump virtualenv from 20.16.6 to 20.17.1 in /.github/workflows (#744) @dependabot
- Bump nox from 2022.8.7 to 2022.11.21 in /.github/workflows (#735) @dependabot
- Bump dateparser from 1.1.2 to 1.1.4 in /docs (#734) @dependabot
- Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.20.1 to 0.20.2 (#731) @dependabot
- Bump flake8-rst-docstrings from 0.2.7 to 0.3.0 (#733) @dependabot
- Bump mypy from 0.982 to 0.991 (#732) @dependabot
- Bump marshmallow-dataclass from 8.5.9 to 8.5.10 (#729) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-rtd-theme from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 in /docs (#727) @dependabot
- Bump pip from 22.3 to 22.3.1 in /.github/workflows (#726) @dependabot
- Bump nox-poetry from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in /.github/workflows (#725) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-rtd-theme from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 in /docs (#723) @dependabot
- Bump aiohttp from 3.8.1 to 3.8.3 (#716) @dependabot
- Bump flake8-bugbear from 22.10.25 to 22.10.27 (#720) @dependabot
- Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.18.3 to 0.20.1 (#718) @epenet
- Bump marshmallow-dataclass from 8.5.8 to 8.5.9 (#717) @dependabot
- Bump virtualenv from 20.16.5 to 20.16.6 in /.github/workflows (#719) @dependabot
- Bump pyjwt from 2.4.0 to 2.6.0 (#711) @dependabot
- Bump pytest from 7.1.2 to 7.2.0 (#710) @dependabot
- Bump reorder-python-imports from 3.8.2 to 3.9.0 (#715) @dependabot
- Bump pytest-cov from 3.0.0 to 4.0.0 (#714) @dependabot
- Bump coverage from 6.4.4 to 6.5.0 (#713) @dependabot
- Bump xdoctest from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 (#709) @dependabot
- Bump urllib3 from 1.26.9 to 1.26.12 (#705) @dependabot
- Bump mypy from 0.971 to 0.982 (#708) @dependabot
- Bump flake8-bugbear from 22.3.23 to 22.10.25 (#712) @dependabot
- Bump black from 22.6.0 to 22.10.0 (#706) @dependabot
- Bump salsify/action-detect-and-tag-new-version from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 (#703) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.20.1 to 5.21.1 (#701) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 5.1.1 to 5.3.0 in /docs (#699) @dependabot
- Bump pip from 22.2.2 to 22.3 in /.github/workflows (#700) @dependabot
- Bump dateparser from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 in /docs (#702) @dependabot
- Bump tabulate from 0.8.10 to 0.9.0 in /docs (#697) @dependabot
- Bump virtualenv from 20.14.1 to 20.16.5 in /.github/workflows (#688) @dependabot
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 (#691) @dependabot
- Bump pep8-naming from 0.12.1 to 0.13.2 (#680) @dependabot
- Bump poetry from 1.1.13 to 1.2.2 in /.github/workflows (#698) @dependabot
- Bump safety from 2.1.1 to 2.3.1 (#704) @epenet
- Bump coverage from 6.3.2 to 6.4.4 (#679) @dependabot
- Bump pygments from 2.11.2 to 2.13.0 (#678) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.20.0 to 5.20.1 (#677) @dependabot
- Bump nox from 2022.1.7 to 2022.8.7 in /.github/workflows (#675) @dependabot
- Bump pip from 22.1.2 to 22.2.2 in /.github/workflows (#672) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 4.5.0 to 5.1.1 in /docs (#667) @dependabot
- Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 (#664) @dependabot
- Bump mypy from 0.942 to 0.971 (#661) @dependabot
- Bump reorder-python-imports from 3.0.1 to 3.8.2 (#660) @dependabot
- Bump safety from 1.10.3 to 2.1.1 (#659) @dependabot
- Bump flake8-rst-docstrings from 0.2.5 to 0.2.7 (#657) @dependabot
- Bump pre-commit from 2.19.0 to 2.20.0 (#651) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-click from 3.1.0 to 4.3.0 (#648) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-click from 3.1.0 to 4.3.0 in /docs (#647) @dependabot
- Bump black from 22.3.0 to 22.6.0 (#642) @dependabot
- Bump nox-poetry from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 in /.github/workflows (#640) @dependabot
- Bump tabulate from 0.8.9 to 0.8.10 (#638) @dependabot
- Bump pytest from 7.1.1 to 7.1.2 (#628) @dependabot
- Bump tabulate from 0.8.9 to 0.8.10 in /docs (#637) @dependabot
- Bump pre-commit-hooks from 4.1.0 to 4.3.0 (#620) @dependabot
- Bump nox-poetry from 0.9.0 to 1.0.0 in /.github/workflows (#613) @dependabot
- Bump pip from 22.0.4 to 22.1.2 in /.github/workflows (#618) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-python from 3 to 4 (#621) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.19.0 to 5.20.0 (#611) @dependabot
- Bump pre-commit from 2.17.0 to 2.19.0 (#610) @dependabot
- Bump click from 8.1.1 to 8.1.3 (#609) @dependabot
- Bump click from 8.1.1 to 8.1.3 in /docs (#608) @dependabot
- Bump marshmallow-dataclass from 8.5.3 to 8.5.8 (#606) @dependabot
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 2.1.0 to 3.1.0 (#599) @dependabot
- Bump virtualenv from 20.14.0 to 20.14.1 in /.github/workflows (#591) @dependabot
- Bump PyJWT to 2.4.0 (#625) @epenet
🚀 Features
🐛 Fixes
- Check for invalid JSON returned by the API (#569) @epenet
- Use correct unit in charge history durations (#566) @epenet
👋 Fixtures
- Add support for HEV vehicles (#589) @epenet
- Check for invalid JSON returned by the API (#569) @epenet
- Use correct unit in charge history durations (#566) @epenet
📦 Dependencies
- Bump click from 8.0.4 to 8.1.1 in /docs (#578) @dependabot
- Bump click from 8.0.4 to 8.1.1 (#580) @dependabot
- Loosen all dependencies (#579) @epenet
- Bump black from 22.1.0 to 22.3.0 (#577) @dependabot
- Bump xdoctest from 0.15.10 to 1.0.0 (#574) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 4.4.0 to 4.5.0 in /docs (#573) @dependabot
- Bump virtualenv from 20.13.4 to 20.14.0 in /.github/workflows (#572) @dependabot
- Bump mypy from 0.941 to 0.942 (#571) @dependabot
- Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.18.2 to 0.18.3 (#570) @dependabot
- Bump flake8-bugbear from 22.1.11 to 22.3.23 (#568) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 2.1.7 to 3 (#564) @dependabot
- Bump virtualenv from 20.13.3 to 20.13.4 in /.github/workflows (#563) @dependabot
- Bump pytest from 7.1.0 to 7.1.1 (#560) @dependabot
- Bump dateparser from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 (#559) @dependabot
- Bump dateparser from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 in /docs (#558) @dependabot
- Bump urllib3 from 1.26.8 to 1.26.9 (#554) @dependabot
🚀 Features
- Adding --json support for status command (#539) @slater0013
- Add explicit support for Python 3.10 (#538) @epenet
🐛 Fixes
👷 Continuous Integration
📦 Dependencies
- Bump mypy from 0.931 to 0.941 (#551) @dependabot
- Bump reorder-python-imports from 2.7.1 to 3.0.1 (#549) @dependabot
- Bump pytest from 7.0.1 to 7.1.0 (#547) @dependabot
- Bump flake8-bandit from 2.1.2 to 3.0.0 (#546) @dependabot
- Bump virtualenv from 20.13.1 to 20.13.3 in /.github/workflows (#544) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.18.1 to 5.19.0 (#543) @dependabot
- Bump pip from 22.0.3 to 22.0.4 in /.github/workflows (#542) @dependabot
- Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.18.1 to 0.18.2 (#541) @dependabot
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2.3.1 to 3 (#540) @dependabot
- Bump actions/download-artifact from 2.1.0 to 3 (#536) @dependabot
- Bump actions/checkout from 2.4.0 to 3 (#535) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-python from 2.3.2 to 3 (#533) @dependabot
🚀 Features
🐛 Fixes
📚 Documentation
👋 Fixtures
- Add support for res-state endpoint (#522) @FRSTR
- Fix parsing issue for lists returned by the Renault servers (#520) @epenet
📦 Dependencies
- Bump coverage from 6.3.1 to 6.3.2 (#528) @dependabot
- Bump click from 8.0.3 to 8.0.4 (#527) @dependabot
- Bump pytest from 6.2.5 to 7.0.1 (#525) @dependabot
- Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.17.2 to 0.18.1 (#524) @dependabot
- Bump poetry from 1.1.12 to 1.1.13 in /.github/workflows (#523) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-python from 2.3.1 to 2.3.2 (#517) @dependabot
- Bump virtualenv from 20.13.0 to 20.13.1 in /.github/workflows (#516) @dependabot
- Bump click from 8.0.3 to 8.0.4 in /docs (#526) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.17.6 to 5.18.1 (#515) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-click from 3.0.3 to 3.1.0 (#511) @dependabot
- Bump pip from 22.0.2 to 22.0.3 in /.github/workflows (#510) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-click from 3.0.3 to 3.1.0 in /docs (#509) @dependabot
- Bump coverage from 6.3 to 6.3.1 (#505) @dependabot
💥 Breaking Changes
- Deprecate short endpoints for vehicle actions (#504) @epenet
- Deprecate methods for required contracts (#503) @epenet
🚀 Features
- Add lock status to CLI (#508) @FRSTR
- Add support for Dacia Spring charge control (#502) @epenet
- Implement lock-status (#506) @FRSTR
- Add charge stop functionnality (#500) @epenet
🐛 Fixes
📚 Documentation
👷 Continuous Integration
- Fix release-drafter icon (#501) @epenet
- Add vscode tasks (#499) @epenet
- Add vscode formatting provider (#498) @epenet
- Add recommendations for vscode extensions (#497) @epenet
👋 Fixtures
- Add support for Dacia Spring charge control (#502) @epenet
- Implement lock-status (#506) @FRSTR
- Add vehicle details fixtures (#495) @epenet
- Revert "Move details fixtures (#476)" (#494) @epenet
- Add gateway fixture for Dacia Spring (#489) @afaucogney
📦 Dependencies
- Bump sphinx-click from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (#492) @dependabot
- Bump black from 21.12b0 to 22.1.0 (#493) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-click from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 in /docs (#491) @dependabot
- Bump pip from 21.3.1 to 22.0.2 in /.github/workflows (#490) @dependabot
- Bump coverage from 6.2 to 6.3 (#487) @dependabot
- Bump reorder-python-imports from 2.6.0 to 2.7.1 (#486) @dependabot
- Bump pre-commit from 2.16.0 to 2.17.0 (#485) @dependabot
- Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.16.0 to 0.17.2 (#484) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.15.0 to 5.17.6 (#474) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 4.3.2 to 4.4.0 in /docs (#473) @dependabot
- Bump flake8-bugbear from 21.11.29 to 22.1.11 (#469) @dependabot
- Bump aioresponses from 0.7.2 to 0.7.3 (#468) @dependabot
- Bump mypy from 0.930 to 0.931 (#465) @dependabot
- Bump urllib3 from 1.26.7 to 1.26.8 (#464) @dependabot
- Bump nox from 2021.10.1 to 2022.1.7 in /.github/workflows (#463) @dependabot
- Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.4.2 to 1.5.0 (#462) @dependabot
- Bump pygments from 2.10.0 to 2.11.2 (#461) @dependabot
- Bump virtualenv from 20.10.0 to 20.13.0 in /.github/workflows (#457) @dependabot
🚀 Features
🐛 Fixes
📚 Documentation
- Add Zoe50 fixtures and update documentation (#475) @epenet
- Add Dacia Spring fixtures and update documentation (#460) @lucviala
👷 Continuous Integration
👋 Fixtures
- Add car gateway fixtures (#479) @epenet
- Move details fixtures (#476) @epenet
- Add Zoe50 fixtures and update documentation (#475) @epenet
- Add Dacia Spring fixtures and update documentation (#460) @lucviala
📦 Dependencies
- Bump mypy from 0.920 to 0.930 (#450) @dependabot
- Bump pre-commit-hooks from 4.0.1 to 4.1.0 (#451) @dependabot
👷 Continuous Integration
👋 Fixtures
📦 Dependencies
- Bump mypy from 0.910 to 0.920 (#447) @dependabot
- Bump black from 21.11b1 to 21.12b0 (#446) @dependabot
- Bump urllib3 from 1.26.5 to 1.26.7 (#445) @dependabot
- Bump flake8-rst-docstrings from 0.2.3 to 0.2.5 (#443) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 4.3.0 to 4.3.2 (#442) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 4.3.0 to 4.3.2 in /docs (#441) @dependabot
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2.2.4 to 2.3.1 (#440) @dependabot
- Bump typeguard from 2.13.0 to 2.13.3 (#438) @dependabot
- Bump actions/download-artifact from 2.0.10 to 2.1.0 (#436) @dependabot
- Bump pre-commit from 2.15.0 to 2.16.0 (#434) @dependabot
- Bump flake8-bugbear from 21.9.2 to 21.11.29 (#433) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-python from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 (#432) @dependabot
- Bump poetry from 1.1.11 to 1.1.12 in /.github/workflows (#428) @dependabot
- Bump urllib3 from 1.26.4 to 1.26.5 (#444) @epenet
- Bump actions/cache from 2.1.6 to 2.1.7 (#425) @dependabot
- Bump coverage from 6.1.2 to 6.2 (#429) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 4.2.0 to 4.3.0 (#424) @dependabot
- Bump aiohttp from 3.7.4.post0 to 3.8.1 (#423) @dependabot
- Bump flake8 from 3.9.2 to 4.0.1 (#422) @dependabot
- Bump black from 21.9b0 to 21.11b1 (#420) @dependabot
- Bump pyjwt from 2.1.0 to 2.3.0 (#419) @dependabot
- Bump darglint from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 (#418) @dependabot
- Bump nox-poetry from 0.8.6 to 0.9.0 in /.github/workflows (#415) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-python from 2.2.2 to 2.3.0 (#414) @dependabot
- Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.15.1 to 0.16.0 (#413) @dependabot
- Bump click from 8.0.1 to 8.0.3 (#412) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-click from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 (#411) @dependabot
- Bump typeguard from 2.12.1 to 2.13.0 (#410) @dependabot
- Bump coverage from 5.5 to 6.1.2 (#407) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 4.2.0 to 4.3.0 in /docs (#406) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-click from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 in /docs (#405) @dependabot
- Bump actions/checkout from 2.3.4 to 2.4.0 (#403) @dependabot
- Bump virtualenv from 20.8.1 to 20.10.0 in /.github/workflows (#401) @dependabot
- Bump pip from 21.2.4 to 21.3.1 in /.github/workflows (#399) @dependabot
- Bump click from 8.0.1 to 8.0.3 in /docs (#393) @dependabot
- Bump xdoctest from 0.15.9 to 0.15.10 (#389) @dependabot
- Bump poetry from 1.1.10 to 1.1.11 in /.github/workflows (#386) @dependabot
- Bump pytest-cov from 2.12.1 to 3.0.0 (#385) @dependabot
- Bump dateparser from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 (#383) @dependabot
- Bump nox from 2021.6.12 to 2021.10.1 in /.github/workflows (#382) @dependabot
- Bump dateparser from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 in /docs (#381) @dependabot
- Bump flake8-bugbear from 21.9.1 to 21.9.2 (#379) @dependabot
- Bump babel from 2.9.0 to 2.9.1 (#409) @epenet
📚 Documentation
- Update API usage documentation (#302) @lasseborly
👷 Continuous Integration
- Switch to poetry-core (#371) @fabaff
- Move mypy configuration to pyproject.toml (#336) @epenet
- Align noxfile with Cookiecutter (#334) @epenet
- Update nox safety session (#266) @epenet
🚨 Testing
👋 Fixtures
- Add handler for "" error code (#265) @epenet
- Update radio type (#245) @epenet
📦 Dependencies
- Bump black from 21.7b0 to 21.9b0 (#375) @dependabot
- Bump flake8-bugbear from 21.4.3 to 21.9.1 (#374) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-rtd-theme from 0.5.2 to 1.0.0 (#377) @dependabot
- Bump pytest from 6.2.4 to 6.2.5 (#376) @dependabot
- Bump pygments from 2.9.0 to 2.10.0 (#373) @dependabot
- Bump virtualenv from 20.6.0 to 20.8.1 in /.github/workflows (#372) @dependabot
- Bump xdoctest from 0.15.5 to 0.15.9 (#370) @dependabot
- Bump poetry from 1.1.7 to 1.1.10 in /.github/workflows (#369) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-rtd-theme from 0.5.2 to 1.0.0 in /docs (#365) @dependabot
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 2.0.2 to 2.1.0 (#364) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 (#363) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 in /docs (#362) @dependabot
- Bump pre-commit from 2.13.0 to 2.15.0 (#360) @dependabot
- Bump pip from 21.2.1 to 21.2.4 in /.github/workflows (#353) @dependabot
- Bump marshmallow-dataclass from 8.4.2 to 8.5.3 (#352) @dependabot
- Bump pep8-naming from 0.12.0 to 0.12.1 (#344) @dependabot
- Bump reorder-python-imports from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0 (#333) @dependabot
- Bump mypy from 0.812 to 0.910 (#315) @dependabot
- Require click 8.x (#335) @epenet
- Bump black from 21.6b0 to 21.7b0 (#332) @dependabot
- Bump nox from 2020.12.31 to 2021.6.12 in /.github/workflows (#310) @dependabot
- Bump marshmallow-dataclass from 8.4.1 to 8.4.2 (#331) @dependabot
- Bump pip from 21.1.2 to 21.2.1 in /.github/workflows (#330) @dependabot
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 1.5.2 to 2.0.2 (#329) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 4.0.2 to 4.1.1 (#327) @dependabot
- Bump pep8-naming from 0.11.1 to 0.12.0 (#321) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 4.0.2 to 4.1.1 in /docs (#326) @dependabot
- Bump virtualenv from 20.4.7 to 20.6.0 in /.github/workflows (#325) @dependabot
- Bump xdoctest from 0.15.4 to 0.15.5 (#318) @dependabot
- Bump poetry from 1.1.6 to 1.1.7 in /.github/workflows (#317) @dependabot
- Bump actions/download-artifact from 2.0.9 to 2.0.10 (#314) @dependabot
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2.2.3 to 2.2.4 (#313) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-click from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (#312) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-click from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 in /docs (#311) @dependabot
- Bump black from 21.5b2 to 21.6b0 (#308) @dependabot
- Bump nox-poetry from 0.8.5 to 0.8.6 in /.github/workflows (#309) @dependabot
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 1.5.0 to 1.5.2 (#305) @dependabot
- Bump click from 7.1.2 to 8.0.1 (#293) @dependabot
- Bump typeguard from 2.12.0 to 2.12.1 (#304) @dependabot
- Bump pytest-cov from 2.12.0 to 2.12.1 (#301) @dependabot
- Bump black from 21.5b1 to 21.5b2 (#300) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from 2.1.5 to 2.1.6 (#299) @dependabot
- Bump virtualenv from 20.4.6 to 20.4.7 in /.github/workflows (#298) @dependabot
- Bump pre-commit from 2.12.1 to 2.13.0 (#297) @dependabot
- Bump pip from 21.1.1 to 21.1.2 in /.github/workflows (#296) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 3.5.4 to 4.0.2 (#295) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 in /docs (#294) @dependabot
- Bump click from 8.0.0 to 8.0.1 in /docs (#292) @dependabot
- Bump pytest-cov from 2.11.1 to 2.12.0 (#289) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-click from 2.7.1 to 3.0.0 (#288) @dependabot
- Bump pre-commit-hooks from 3.4.0 to 4.0.1 (#287) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-click from 2.7.1 to 3.0.0 in /docs (#286) @dependabot
- Bump click from 7.1.2 to 8.0.0 in /docs (#285) @dependabot
- Bump black from 21.5b0 to 21.5b1 (#284) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 3.5.4 to 4.0.1 in /docs (#283) @dependabot
- Bump flake8 from 3.9.1 to 3.9.2 (#282) @dependabot
- Bump reorder-python-imports from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 (#270) @dependabot
- Bump marshmallow-dataclass from 8.3.2 to 8.4.1 (#280) @dependabot
- Bump pytest from 6.2.3 to 6.2.4 (#279) @dependabot
- Bump pygments from 2.8.1 to 2.9.0 (#277) @dependabot
- Bump black from 20.8b1 to 21.5b0 (#276) @dependabot
- Bump flake8-rst-docstrings from 0.0.14 to 0.2.3 (#275) @dependabot
- Bump virtualenv from 20.4.4 to 20.4.6 in /.github/workflows (#278) @dependabot
- Bump pyjwt from 2.0.1 to 2.1.0 (#274) @dependabot
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from v1.3.1 to v1.5.0 (#272) @dependabot
- Bump flake8 from 3.9.0 to 3.9.1 (#271) @dependabot
- Bump pre-commit from 2.11.1 to 2.12.1 (#269) @dependabot
- Bump pytest-asyncio from 0.14.0 to 0.15.1 (#268) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 3.5.3 to 3.5.4 (#267) @dependabot
- Bump pip from 21.0.1 to 21.1.1 in /.github/workflows (#264) @dependabot
- Bump nox-poetry from 0.8.4 to 0.8.5 in /.github/workflows (#263) @dependabot
- Bump virtualenv from 20.4.3 to 20.4.4 in /.github/workflows (#260) @dependabot
- Bump poetry from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6 in /.github/workflows (#258) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-python from v2.2.1 to v2.2.2 (#257) @dependabot
- Bump actions/cache from v2.1.4 to v2.1.5 (#256) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 3.5.3 to 3.5.4 in /docs (#255) @dependabot
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from v2.2.2 to v2.2.3 (#254) @dependabot
- Bump actions/download-artifact from v2.0.8 to v2.0.9 (#253) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-rtd-theme from 0.5.1 to 0.5.2 (#252) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-rtd-theme from 0.5.1 to 0.5.2 in /docs (#251) @dependabot
- Bump pytest from 6.2.2 to 6.2.3 (#249) @dependabot
- Bump darglint from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0 (#248) @dependabot
- Bump typeguard from 2.11.1 to 2.12.0 (#247) @dependabot
- Bump flake8-bugbear from 21.3.2 to 21.4.3 (#246) @dependabot
🚀 Features
🚨 Testing
- Update CLI testing for fuel and PHEV vehicles (#243) @epenet
- Update test configuration for timezone handling (#240) @epenet
👋 Fixtures
📦 Dependencies
- Bump marshmallow-dataclass from 8.3.1 to 8.3.2 (#239) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 3.5.2 to 3.5.3 (#238) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-click from 2.6.0 to 2.7.1 (#237) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 3.5.2 to 3.5.3 in /docs (#236) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-click from 2.6.0 to 2.7.1 in /docs (#235) @dependabot
- Bump flake8-docstrings from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0 (#234) @dependabot
- Bump virtualenv from 20.4.2 to 20.4.3 in /.github/workflows (#231) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from v5.14.0 to v5.15.0 (#230) @dependabot
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from v1.2.2 to v1.3.1 (#229) @dependabot
- Bump flake8-bugbear from 20.11.1 to 21.3.2 (#228) @dependabot
- Bump nox-poetry from 0.8.3 to 0.8.4 in /.github/workflows (#227) @dependabot
- Bump aiohttp from 3.7.3 to 3.7.4.post0 (#220) @dependabot
- Bump coverage from 5.4 to 5.5 (#226) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-click from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0 (#225) @dependabot
- Bump pre-commit from 2.10.1 to 2.11.1 (#224) @dependabot
- Bump flake8 from 3.8.4 to 3.9.0 (#223) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-autobuild from 2020.9.1 to 2021.3.14 (#222) @dependabot
- Bump darglint from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0 (#221) @dependabot
- Bump aioresponses from 0.7.1 to 0.7.2 (#218) @dependabot
- Bump nox-poetry from 0.7.1 to 0.8.3 in /.github/workflows (#217) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 3.4.3 to 3.5.2 (#216) @dependabot
- Bump pygments from 2.7.4 to 2.8.1 (#215) @dependabot
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from v1.2.1 to v1.2.2 (#214) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx from 3.4.3 to 3.5.2 in /docs (#213) @dependabot
- Bump poetry from 1.0.10 to 1.1.5 in /.github/workflows (#212) @dependabot
- Bump sphinx-click from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0 in /docs (#209) @dependabot
- Bump tabulate from 0.8.7 to 0.8.9 (#207) @dependabot
- Bump tabulate from 0.8.7 to 0.8.9 in /docs (#208) @dependabot
- Bump mypy from 0.800 to 0.812 (#206) @dependabot
- Bump typeguard from 2.10.0 to 2.11.1 (#201) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from v5.13.0 to v5.14.0 (#198) @dependabot