for all countries. grouped by Income Levels.
Analyzing the relationship between Longeviy, Fertility Rate and Economic Growth, for all countries. grouped by Income Levels. The analysis goes from the 1950's.
In order to replicate
- Jupyter notebook
- Pandas
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
Files included in the repository are the csv files
- children_per_woman_total_fertility.csv
- income_per_person_gdppercapita_ppp_inflation_adjusted.csv
- gdp_total_yearly_growth.csv
- life_expectancy_years.csv
- jupyter notebook file
- pdf version of the analysis
- Html Version of the analysis
- Vizualisations
The following visualizations are some of the visualization included
- The countries were grouped based on the world bank new country classification by income level
- All the datasets used were extracted from Gapminder