The repository contains scripts and files that help ease the grading process.
Dependencies: Python >= 3.6, pydotenv
How to Clone:
- Head over to MyCourses and download the commit hashes for the assignment of interest.
- Once it has been extracted, point the "COMMIT_HASHES_FOLDER_PATH" value from the .env file to this folder.
- Run the following command, using values that make sense for you: python3 <\assignment name> [-a51] [-a52] [-a53] [-a54]
A directory named <\assignment name> will be created and all student repositories for assignment <\assignment name> will be cloned into it. The particular commit checked out for each cloned repository will depend on the commit hash submitted to MyCourses by the student.
Clone ALL assignments into some folder XXXX
Write rubric, add in rubrics/assignments or rubrics/labs folder
Write tester, add in Testers/Assignments or Testers/Labs folder.
- See Testers/Assignments/ for an example. Note that for each student we are making a temp file, and appending PASSED or FAILED for each test.
Change the following in
- submissions_folder_name must be XXXX
- package_name must be name of package that students wrote code in
- tester_file_path must be path where tester is located
- Change prefix in for loop to prefix of foldername before github username
Note that will add the tester file to each students code directory, compile and run JUnit. You might need to modify the compile and run commands if you are compiling and running JUnit differently. is then counting the number of PASSED and FAILED tokens in temp.txt to determine the students grade.
Add report.txt in XXXX folder (parellel to students directories)
Run python3 Results for each student, will be in report.txt. For students whose code didn't compile, we need to manually compile their code (at least the tester is already copied over). Also note that files never copy over to Cat Tran's folder, due to permission issues.
- Download junit-4.12.jar and hamcrest-core-1.3.jar.
- Create your junit test class.
- Compile your code and test class using the following command: javac -d . *.java -cp /path/to/junit/jar/file/junit-4.12.jar ./.java
- Run the tests using the following command: java -cp .:./path/to/junit/jar/file/junit-4.12.jar:/path/to/hamcrest/jar/file/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore packagename.