Welcome to gvNIX, an Spring Roo Addon Suite.
gvNIX is an Spring Roo Addon Suite that focuses both enterprise knowledge and enterprise standards to build Java applications.
gvNIX is sponsored by the General Directorate for Information and Communication Technologies (DGTIC) at Regional Ministry of Finance and Economic Model of the Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Community, Spain), managed by gvSIG Association and led by DISID.
These instructions show you how to get started with gvNIX source tree. Note that these instructions are for developers looking to develop gvNIX itself.
If you like to try a release that has already been built, tested and distributed by the core development team, we recommend that you visit gvNIX download page http://www.gvnix.org and read the documentation.
Copyright (C) 2010 DGTI - Generalitat Valenciana
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
To start to develop gvNIX and extend its features you need:
- Last Spring Roo distribution (http://spring.io/projects/spring-roo)
- JDK 7 or above ( http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/es/java/javase/downloads/index.html)
- Maven 3.0.5 or above ( http://maven.apache.org/download.html )
- Internet access so that Maven can download required dependencies
- Spring Roo development requeriments. Follow the instructions to setup Spring Roo ( https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-roo#developer-instructions)
To be able to test gvNIX quickly without deploy all components you should following the next steps:
- Add $ROO_HOME variable to your $PATH
- Compile gvNIX project using 'mvn clean install' on your project folder
- Execute ./gvnix-dev
STS can be used to develop gvNIX Roo Addon Suite.
Every addon can be imported via File > Import > Maven > Existing Maven Project.
To Run Continuous integration test just execute:
$ deployment-support/build.sh spring-roo-xxx.zip test
All gvNIX artifacts will be deployed on Maven central.
- RELEASE artifacts: https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/org/gvnix
- SNAPSHOT artifacts: https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/org/gvnix
In addition, gvNIX Addon Suite will be deployed in our own gvNIX repository:
- RELEASE gvNIX Addon Suite: http://repository.gvnix.org/
- SNAPSHOT gvNIX Addon Suite: http://repository.gvnix.org/snapshots
To deploy RELEASE artifacts and generate gvNIX Addon Suite you must execute the following command:
$ deployment-support/build.sh spring-roo-xxx.zip release
To deploy SNAPSHOT artifacts and generate gvNIX Addon Suite you must execute the following command:
$ deployment-support/build.sh spring-roo-xxx.zip deploy
NOTE: You must have the necessary permissions to deploy gvNIX artifacts
About gvNIX version number:
gvNIX versions are series of individual numbers, separated by periods, with a progression such as 1.7.0, 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.9.0, 1.10.0, 1.11.0, 1.11.1, 1.11.2, and so on.
The early stages are identified with "ALPHA", "BETA" or "BUILD-SNAPSHOT" qualifiers.
On each gvNIX project module you can find technical and user guides in the module/docs/ folder in ASCIIdoc format and Spanish and English:
- td-module.adoc: Technical design
- ug-module.adoc: User guide
gvNIX work guides are placed at /deployment-support in AsciiDoc format and Spanish:
- reference: Working guide about projects development with gvNIX.
- developer: Working guide about gvNIX project development.
For more information generate and read the gvNIX Developer Guide (Spanish).
Run the following command from the root checkout location:
bash:~/gvnix$ mvn clean install
This will create the guide in the /deployment-support/target/generated-docs directory (in several formats):
|-- developer
| `-- diagrams (resources)
| `-- images (resources)
| `-- index.html (developer guide)
| `-- index.pdf (developer guide)
`-- reference
| `-- images (resources)
| `-- index.html (reference guide)
| `-- index.pdf (reference guide)
The gvNIX Reference Guide (Spanish) is the documentation for developing projects with the framework.
gvNIX documentation is moving to AsciiDoc. These docs have the suffix .ad, .adoc or .asciidoc.
To learn more about how to convert AsciiDoc to PDF, HTML5, etc go to http://asciidoc.org/ or http://asciidoctor.org/
Do you want to contribute to gvNIX Project? :D
Create a new issue on gitHub using the following link https://github.com/gvSIGAssociation/gvnix/issues/new
Fork gvNIX project and implement your own features or bug fixes
Send your Pull Requests with your applied changes
gvNIX team will validate your changes and merge your Pull Request
- http://www.gvnix.org
- http://www.gvsig.com
- http://www.disid.com
- https://github.com/gvSIGAssociation/gvnix
- If you use Twitter, you are encouraged to follow @gvNIX and we appreciate your mentions.