This application was created during Trybe Back-end Module. It is a API using the MSC architecture developed with NodeJS, Express and Nodemon for the management of a blog application. Here, the Sequelize was used in order to experience the developed of CRUD applications using an ORM.
First of all clone the repository via
git clone
Then install the dependencies, if they exist via
npm install
Pay attention that you should create a .env file in the root for environment configuration. There some information regarding MySQL should be completed, such as: host, user, password and your port
host: process.env.HOSTNAME
user: process.env.MYSQL_USER
password: process.env.MYSQL_PASSWORD
Attention that this projects uses Sequelize, so start the database running the command
npm run prestart
After this run the command
npm seed
to populate the database -
To start the project just type
npm start
ornpm run dev
Have fun
This project will receive updates as some tasks provided by Trybe are still incomplete and, let's be honest, it is always possible to do better. See you!