Haven 0.2.0-beta-5
This release is largely due to the amazing work of @archie94 so give him some <3's
- Improved usability and reliability of Signal number registration
- Updated cameraview for more stable in-app camera/video features
- Small additional optimizations and storage bug fixes
4be3e23 (HEAD -> master, tag: 0.2.0-beta-5-signed, origin/master) update build code to 214
2ff44e0 Merge branch 'archie94-signal_expt'
0788102 (archie94-signal_expt) Merge branch 'signal_expt' of https://github.com/archie94/haven into archie94-signal_expt
b4b55a1 Merge branch 'archie94-media_storage_path_fix'
ac94bcb (archie94-media_storage_path_fix) Merge branch 'media_storage_path_fix' of https://github.com/archie94/haven into archie94-media_storage_path_fix
57153c5 Merge branch 'archie94-rv_optimise'
5f31227 (archie94-rv_optimise) Merge branch 'rv_optimise' of https://github.com/archie94/haven into archie94-rv_optimise
a570c3e Option to reset Signal configuration
10079ff Do not save register_signal EditTextPreference value in save()
e4eec7a Better way to check Signal setup while sending notifications
6f4e95f Show a confirmation dialog on registration and verification success
35c968f Keep track of signal verification
44f1909 update gradle tools
1d826da Show loader while registering and verifying Signal
ad13650 Hack to allow repeatitive calls to signal
c16e574 Remove LoggingTaskListener
5721fd7 Initial commit on Signal flow optimization
eeb61e2 Merge pull request #384 from lukeswitz/lukeswitz-ci-patch
8910374 Merge pull request #378 from archie94/force_cleanup
b1c3c15 update cameraview to beta-04
3b446c8 update spinKit import
9e06319 adding in SpinKit dependency directly due to CI build issue