Haven 0.2.0 beta 3
- Camera stability, ANR and OOM fixes
- Updated sensor feedback UI to make for a less memory intensive app
- Switched to Room Persistence thanks to @archie94
- Custom heartbeat notifications from @lukeswitz
- Other improvements and stability thanks to @fat-tire
693db02 (HEAD -> master, tag: 0.2.0-beta-3, origin/master) update to build 212
30a8126 animate buttons for light and power events
dfb55dd added new feedback mechanism for camera sensitivity
f7da93c fix display of event log title on activity - it was not being set before due to change in AndroidX/Material
0b50d8b (tag: 0.2.0-beta-2) initial work in new monitor display UI
501125f clean-up how file paths are handled for internal media
dee3308 Merge branch 'lukeswitz-hb-notification-mods'
3192e6d (lukeswitz-hb-notification-mods) Merge branch 'hb-notification-mods' of https://github.com/lukeswitz/haven into lukeswitz-hb-notification-mods
bb0d7b5 Merge branch 'lukeswitz-settings_layout_fix'
76c85ba (lukeswitz-settings_layout_fix) Merge branch 'settings_layout_fix' of https://github.com/lukeswitz/haven into lukeswitz-settings_layout_fix
cea9d51 Merge pull request #366 from guardianproject/dev_camera_fixes
bf09efa (origin/dev_camera_fixes, dev_camera_fixes) code cleanup; changed detection interval to 200ms from 300ms
c9ba5e5 ensure strings aren't requested when there is no context
324daf2 Fix SettingsTheme alignment below v27
6fb03a4 improvements to visual feedback of sensor event - this is a replacement for the removal of the bitmap overall, which was causing OOMs and ANRs - this is much more functional, useful, though not quite as sexy :(
f5dbf17 modify hb strings, help address #302
5ba758e optimize imports
b697f39 update gradle & kotlin
03a37ba use single line entry for Signal # and HB inputs
f7b002c update strings and settings
a45e395 Add customizable heartbeat alerts & battery %
e8f3774 more work on #365 - simplify display of motion detection - we are creating too many in memory bitmaps just for fancy UI that isn't that usable - this now displays a simple "motion detected" string instead of the change detection overlay
06c4a8c for #365 reduce camera resolution and remove one unneeded bitmap
272b341 (tag: 0.2.0-beta-1) build code to 211 for 0.0.2 beta 1
2be8c80 Merge pull request #361 from guardianproject/dev_new_cameraview
4aa51f7 (origin/dev_new_cameraview, dev_new_cameraview) RenderScript in AndroidX is making things crash; disable for now! - use a simple method for NV21 image conversation until RenderScriptX stops being crashy
4b808e6 more cleanly isolate notification channel code
dcce577 don't record audio with the video camera
ffff90b Merge branch 'master' of github.com:guardianproject/haven into dev_new_cameraview
a51704c Merge pull request #362 from lukeswitz/updates
13be145 Merge pull request #363 from archie94/update_readme_2
f221ab3 Modify Readme to update Attributions Section
7203251 appIntro & test updates
f906d5c switch to new CameraView: https://github.com/natario1/CameraView
e6a97be Merge branch 'archie94-room_experiments'
4016ae1 (archie94-room_experiments) use direct path for displaying images
34a8ea9 setup gradle to 3.3 and kotlin to 1.3 maintains compat with Android Studio 3.3 stable
451b659 Merge branch 'room_experiments' of https://github.com/archie94/haven into archie94-room_experiments
b8d4b9e Merge branch 'master' of github.com:guardianproject/haven
e1b3ed2 Merge branch 'fat-tire-updatestuff'
8147d78 (fat-tire-updatestuff) Merge branch 'updatestuff' of https://github.com/fat-tire/haven into fat-tire-updatestuff
d571e1d update gradle
bc0d245 Merge pull request #356 from oculushut/master
df38846 Fix import formatting that got moved around by Android Studio
6fd9dca Fix lint issue with switchpreferencecompat -> switchpreference
949de50 Fix minor lint issue with redundant warning suppression.
77c333f Update libraries, build tools, and fix resulting broken build.
e0cedb0 Update gradle to latest stable (4.10.2->5.1.1)
56659d8 Fix minor lint HTML issue.
68cf160 Fixing Tests
b11c3d0 Add files only if listFiles is non null
fafdba0 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:guardianproject/haven into room_experiments
486b562 Cleaning up some more
6f96605 Add observers for event trigger count for each event
0293988 Prevent android-job local files being backed up
f15d34b Move to android-job from JobDispatcher for cleanup service
6be6b28 Delete files using JobService working
83e45b9 Update README.md
7256512 Update README.md
d10bcdb Initial setup for cleanup with JobService
9870a85 Update README.md
448a1fd Primitive test for the database migration
2d8f256 Resource manager for dialog resources
38f975a Add tests for the progress dialog
7f78254 Initial implementation of a progress dialog while db init/migration
da4a9d7 Removing multiple initialisation of Preference Manager and Fresco in HavenApp
a52455e (tag: 0.2.0-alpha-5) update to version 118
332c163 update travis for SDK 28
ed7d666 Merge pull request #353 from IsaacYAGI/fix-gitignore-merge-conflict-unsolved
e53f752 Merge pull request #352 from IsaacYAGI/fix-improvement-es-translations
0265858 Merge branch 'fat-tire-remove_colons'
4504262 (fat-tire-remove_colons) remove unnecessary use of FileProvider to support complex paths - use of FileProvider to generate Uris for image views isn't needed for internal rendering of images - FileProvider also removed spaces, emoji, or other user configured strings in the settings for the folder path
87f3062 Merge branch 'remove_colons' of https://github.com/fat-tire/haven into fat-tire-remove_colons
fc4dc2c Merge branch 'fat-tire-pie_changes'
9223dd6 (fat-tire-pie_changes) disable RTL support for now to fix AppIntro bug https://github.com/apl-devs/AppIntro/issues/547w
8d658f8 Fix: Unresolved conflict commit in .gitignore
d007b3d Fix: Improvement in ES Translations
a315b41 (origin/fat-tire-pie_changes) set minimum build memory to 2g
a499680 update file provider paths to not crash
81923fd Merge branch 'pie_changes' of https://github.com/fat-tire/haven into fat-tire-pie_changes
3d7f134 Address dumb build error disallowing double--dash in xml comments
73a72ef Limit save directory path to alphanumeric plus underline, dash & /
905e20c Use "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss.SSS" for saved file & directory names
460a732 Use yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss for date/time format for folders (remove colons)
df601f5 Target Pie & AS3.3/tools - updated libs, migrate to androidx + appcompat
802930a Fix "no such table" bug.
7fb687e update gradle from 4.9-rc1 to 4.10.2
00bfc44 Fix minor lint issues & remove dead code & make constants static
409b213 Fix potential crashes (catch exceptions/check for nulls)
7f44ace change default path to "haven", and fix settings UI
10da388 Merge pull request #341 from archie94/update_readme
7ea2fea Insertion and Deletion of Event triggers on a background thread
0fe3478 Event Insert and Delete on a background thread for ListActivity
57da23b Remove db lookups in main thread in EventActivity
e19cf29 Single Responsibility for EventTriggerAdapter
762f06c Make db querries from ListActivity on background thread
8161171 Remove context dependency from EventAdapter
108f388 Migrate from Sugar ORM to Room
a1454c7 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:guardianproject/haven into room_experiments
98e1355 Update README to remove picasso from list of dependencies
917ff84 (tag: 0.2.0-alpha-4) update version code to 117
3e83443 more work on #330, get preference to work
1711315 work on #330 to allow configuration of base storage path
6f65e41 Merge branch 'archie94-media_storage'
0aae3db (archie94-media_storage) Merge branch 'media_storage' of https://github.com/archie94/haven into archie94-media_storage
b88ea43 Merge branch 'archie94-pipmode_crash_fix'
de5d2de (archie94-pipmode_crash_fix) Merge branch 'pipmode_crash_fix' of https://github.com/archie94/haven into archie94-pipmode_crash_fix
7279b76 Merge branch 'randolf-patch-1'
0c43c0c (randolf-patch-1) Merge branch 'patch-1' of https://github.com/randolf/haven into randolf-patch-1
eda3d03 Merge branch 'archie94-update_dependencies'
52e6f70 Allow PIP mode for API level 26 (Android O) or above
218b638 Various minor improvements to grammar in README.md
49274a7 (archie94-update_dependencies) Update gradle version to 4.9-rc-1
7ce3ae3 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:guardianproject/haven into update_dependencies
adb6b32 Keep Event start time as session time
9ff8b02 Merge pull request #314 from guardianproject/dev-cameraviewplus