Repository for an event managing web application develloped during the SCALA course 2016-2017 at HEIG-VD. The application is a cross project consiting of a Play back-end and a ScalaJS front-end
You need to install SBT.
You also need to setup a MySQL database. The configuration for the MySQL database is available in server/conf/application.conf
You need the JDK in version 1.8 at least.
To create the tables and the schema in the MySQL database, you need to run the file database/Tables.sql
To run the application on your local environment, you just have to start sbt by running sbt
and then execute the sbt command run
in the root folder of the project. It will create a lightweight HTTP server available at http://localhost:9000
The server password is 1234 by default. If you want to change it, just edit server.password in server/conf/application.conf