This project is the result of the second lab session for Thibaut Loiseau, Ioannis Noukakis, Antoine Drabble and Guillaume Serneels in the AMT Course 2016-2017 at HEIG-VD. The goal of this session was to develop and deploy a gamification platform allowing user to improve their application by adding gamification features such as Badges unlocking.
The /spring-server folder contains the source code of our platform
The /documentation folder at the root of our repository contains a pdf version of the api documentation generated with the swagger editor.
When you run the server, an interactive version of the documentation is generated and served on the /api route. To do this we used the bottum-up approach to swagger proposed by Spring Fox.
To run the project, you must install the following prerequisite:
-Maven version 3.3.9
-Java version 1.8
-MySQL: 10.1.20-MariaDB
And create an empty MySQL Schema named gamification.
To allow access to the database, you must have a root@localhost user on your MySQL instance set with no password or fill in your personnal password in the /spring-server/src/main/resources/ file.
Go to /spring-server folder at the root of our repository and run:
mvn compile spring-boot:run
The Executable_Specification folder located at the root of our repository contains an automated test project develloped with the CucumberJVM framework allowing us to test each endpoint of our API.
The gh_pages branch contains a basic Clicker application that we used to test a sample Gamification process using our platform.
If you want to try it out, you must first start the REST API and clone the gh-pages branch.
Then you must insert data in the database. There is a list of Postman requests in the AMT-Présentation.postman_collection.json
file at the root of the gh-pages branch.
Finally you must configure the token in the js/script.js
file. On the second line, you must edit the token variable to match your application's token which is received when you login or register.
Then you can open the index.html