0.1.0 Release
is a limited-functionality release of a light wallet being designed for the EOS blockchain. This application can be used to connect to a remote EOS API endpoint to perform producer voting actions and a few basic wallet commands.
- CPU/Bandwidth Staking: Stake your EOS as either Bandwidth or CPU. This grants rights to resource usage on the network, in addition to conveying weight while voting for block producers.
- Block Producer Voting: Select which block producers to support and cast your vote. Please note that the block producer voting UI is not a research tool; it is a simple interface that provides a secure way to vote.
- Genesis Account Lookup: Enter your public key from the token swap to find your account name on the EOS network.
- Local Wallet: Set a password while importing your private key to create a local wallet. Your key will be encrypted locally using this password. This password will be required each time you need to unlock the wallet.
- Temporary Usage: If you prefer not store your keys within the application, simply choose not to set a password. When the application quits, your key will be forgotten.