Git Cocktail is an interactive front end application that allows users to enter the name of a cocktial and receive information on that cocktail fetched from an API.
- General Info
- Diployed Link
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Screenshot
- Project Requierements
- Project Status
- Room for Improvement
- Contact
- License
- The purpose of the project is to utilize all of the skills we have learned in the first 7 weeks of this course and showcase it through one solid an user friendly application.
- Collectively we chose this project to create an app for entertainers, bartenders, and anyone looking to create the perfect drink for the perfect occassion.
- With ease Git Coctail allows you to search the perfect cocktail and retrieve the ingredients needed to make that cocktail.
- JavaScript
- Materialize
- Google Fonts
- Jquery
- Save your favorite cocktail
You and your group will use everything you’ve learned over the past six modules to create a real-world front-end application that you’ll be able to showcase to potential employers. Your project must fulfil the following requirements:
- Use a CSS framework other than Bootstrap.
- Be deployed to GitHub Pages.
- Be interactive (i.e., accept and respond to user input).
- Use at least two server-side APIs.
- Does not use alerts, confirms, or prompts (use modals).
- Use client-side storage to store persistent data.
- Be responsive.
- Have a polished UI.
- Have a clean repository that meets quality coding standards (file structure, naming conventions, follows best practices for class/id naming conventions, indentation, quality comments, etc.).
- Have a quality README (with unique name, description, technologies used, screenshot, and link to deployed application).
Project is: in progress
Room for improvement:
- We feel we could improve the styling and user interface of our application.
- We would like to make it so you can hit the entire favorite button to save instead of just the heart.
To do:
- We would also like to utilize additional API's to render more search options
Created by:
- - feel free to contact me!
- - feel free to contact me!
- - feel free to contact me!
- - feel free to contact me!
This project is not yet licensed.